Explain Dr.EF code rules of RDBMS

Dr.EF code published twelve rules to
define an ideal relational database & provided guidelines to design the
software’s. Strictly speaking no RDBMS should satisfy all these twelve rules
The information rule:
All the database must be present in a table in the form of columns
& rows.
Guaranty access rule:
The data should be accessible with any ambiguity confusion .
Systematic treatment of null values:
A file should be allowed to remain empty this involves the support of
a null value which is distinct from an empty string or a number with a value
of zero. This cannot be applied to a primary key.
Dynamic online catalogue based on the relational database model
A relational database must provide access to its structure through
some of the tools that are used the access the data. This can be accomplished
by storing the structure definition with in the special table .
Comprehensive database language rule:
The database must support at least one clearly defined language. That
includes the functionality such as data definition, data manipulation, data
integrity constraints & database transaction controls. Such a language is
known as structured query language (SQL). Simply pronounced as sequel for all
View updating rules:
Data can be presented in different logical combinations called views.
Each view should support the same range of data manipulations that have
direct acts as to a table. In practice providing update & delete access
two logical views is difficult are not fully supported any relational data
level insert, update & delete rule:
Data can be retrieved in RDBMS as a set of constructed data in
multiple rows for multiple tables. This rule states the data must be provided
for data anomalies such as insert, update & delete information from the
data independence:
The user must be allowed from the physical methods of sharing and
retrieving information from the data base. The changes can be made to the
underlying architecture, i.e. with in the hardware with the help of software
in the disc storage without effecting how the user access it.
data independence:
This rule specifies how the data is viewed should not be changed when
the structure of the database changes. This is particularly difficult to
satisfy because most data bases strongly tie in between the data viewed &
actual structure of table.
The data base language supports integrity constraints on the user
input. It is the validation of input at the time of user entry to apply some
of the constraints such as no primary key can have a null value (or) remains
The user should not aware whether the data base is distributed (or)
not. The data base must support concurrent access of multiple tables in the
distributed system.
–subversion rule:
There should not be a way to modify the database structure other than
RDBMS language.