How to add a new Class to a Package?

Adding a class to a package:

It is simple to add a class to an existing  package.consider the following package.

package p1;
public classA
Body of A

The package p1 contains one public class by name A.suppose we want to add another classB to this package.this can be done as follows:

     ·         Define the class and make it public

     ·         Place the package statement

 package p1;

Before the class definition as follows:

package p1;
public  classB
     Body of B

    ·         Store this as file under the directory P1.

    ·         Compile file. this will create a B class file and place it in the directory P1.

Note that we can also add a non public class to a package using the same procedure.

Now,the package P! Will contain both the classes A and B.a statement like

import P1.*;

Will import both of them


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