How to Hide Class in a Package?

Hiding classes:

When we import a package using astric(*),all public classes are imported.however ,we may preffer to “not import”certain classes.i.e,we may like to hide these classes from accessing from outside of the package.such classes should be declared”not public”.


package p1;
public class X
Body of X

class Y
Body of Y

Here, the class y which is not declared public is hidden from out side of the package p1. this class can be seen and used only by other classes in the same package note that a java source file should contain only one public class and may include any number of non public classes.

Now ,consider the following code ,which imports the package p1 that contains classes X and Y:

import p1.*;

X objectX;

Y objectY;

Java compiler would generate an error message for this code because the class Y,which has not been declared public,is not imported and therefore not available for creating its objects.


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