Introduction to DBMS
Data : Collection at
information is data.
Ex: 101 vasu hyd
Base: To provide some special
meaning to data is base
Ex: code Name city
9544 rama rjy
Data Base:
Collection of tables
Collection of rows & columns
Collection of records
Collection of objects
Object: object represents
anything like person, place, table, records etc.
DBMS:-We need a particular
system to manage data bases that system is known as database management
between database & DBMS:
Storage Areas:-
1) In enterprise
additions it is essential to store data permanently
2) Data places an
important role in any organization so data storage is very important.
3) The data may be
customer details, employee details, sales.
4) To store data
permanently we use store
areas are two types:-
1) Temporary storage are
2) Permanent storage
1) Temporary storage
area: - In temporary storage areas data store temporarily.
Ex : a) Buffer b) Java object
a) Buffer: Buffer is a
place where we can store data temporarily.
2) Intermediate memory
between main memory and second memory
3) Buffers are created by
local operating systems
b) Java objects: - object
is anything that represent place, person, tables, records etc.
2) Permanent storage
area:- In permanent storage areas data store permanently
Ex: a) File systems b) Database c) Data ware houses
File System :
1. File system is a
system to manage files.
2. File is a place where
we can store data permanently
3. Files are created by
local operating system
4. Files are plat form
5. Files doesn’t work as
platform independent languages like java, C++ etc.
6. In files no security
7. Files does not
maintain any relationship between data items
8. Files contain
duplication of data
1. Data base is a memory
element to store data permanently. DBMS in also a memory element to store
data permanently and DBMS contains some programming languages that are used
to manipulate data stored in data base.
® Finally we need a particular system to manage
databases is called DBMS
® Databases are used to
store large volumes of data
® When compared to files
databases maintain more security
® Databases are platform
independent. So data bases work on any plat form & plat form
® Independent languages
databases maintain logical relationship between individual data items.
® Data bases does not
maintain duplicate data
® Databases are used to
store daily transactions
types of DBMS:-
1. DBMS :- In DBMS data
format is records
2. RDBMS (Relational Data
base Management system) :-
* Here relation means
* Any DBMS which satisfies
& rules in Dr. E F code rules that DBMS is called RDBMS
* In RDBMS data stored in
* SQL2 is the
Query language to access data stored in RDBMS
3. OODBMS (object
oriented data base management system)
* In OOBMS data stored in
* OQL (object query
language) is the query. Language to access data stored in objects
4. ORDMS (object
relational data base management system)
* In ORDBMS some part of
data stored in objects and the remaining part of data stored in tables.
* SQL3 is the
query language to access data stored in ORDBMS.
* SQL3 is the
combination SQL2 and OQL
Data Ware House :-
* Data ware house is a
relational data base which is specifically designed for analysis purpose but
not for transnational pursue.
* Data ware house is also
known as DSS(Decision support system)
* According to WH inmon any
data base which satisfies
1. Integrated
2. Subject oriented
3. Time gradient
4. Non volatile
Then the DBMS is known as
data ware house
* Data ware houses store
huge volumes of data
* Data ware houses store
historical data
* Manager can only access
* Data ware houses is
provide more. Security when compared to databases
* Data ware houses
maintain logical relationship between individual data items