Minimum spanning tree (MST)

Minimum spanning tree (MST)

Minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph  G is a spanning tree such that the sum of the weight is less than (or)equal to sum of weights of every other spanning tree of G i.e., in a minimum spanning tree , the sum or weight ‘B’ of the edges is as small as possible . There are two important algorithms to obtain minimum spanning tree.They are :

Prisms algorithm

Kruskals algorithm

Prisms Algorithm :

we will consider all the vertices first when we select an edge with minimum weight . The algorithm proceeds by selecting adjacent edges with minimum weight care  should be taken for  not forming circuit.

Let us consider the prism’s algorithm with the help of some Ex :

minimal spanning tree

Step 1:

Total weight =0

Step 2:


Total weight =10

Step 3:


Total weight =33

Step 4:


Total weight = 53

Step 5:


Total weight = 64

Step 6:


Total weight = 78

Step 7:


Total weight = 90

Time Complexity : This  algorithm spends more time in finding the smallest edge , so time of the algorithm basically depends on how do we search the edges.
 therefore prisms algorithm run in o(n2) times.
Kruskal’s Algorithm :

Always the minimum cast edge has to be selected.

minimal spanning tree

Step 1:


Total weight =0

Step 2:


Total weight =10

Step 3:

step 3

Total weight =21

Step 4:

step 4

Total weight = 33

Step 5:

step 5

Total weight= 47

Step 6:

step 6

Total weight -67

Step 7:

step 7

Total weight=90


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