What are the Various Input/Output Functions used in Files?

In C language the input, output operations
with files are performed with the help of library functions. Once a file is
opened, reading out of or writing to it is accomplished using the standard
I/O routines.
The getc and putc functions:
The simplest file I/O fns are getc
and putc. Assume that a file is opened with mode w and file pointer fp. Then
the statement:
putc ( c, fp );
Writes the character contained in
the character variable C to the file associated with FILE pointer fp.
Similarly, getc is used to read a character from a file that has been opened
in read mode.
Ex: c = getc ( fp2);
Would read a character from the file
whose file pointer is fp2.
The file pointer moves by one
character position for every operation of getc or putc.
The getw and putw functions.
The getw and putw are integer
–oriented functions. They are similar to the getc and putc functions and are
used to read and write integer values. These functions would be useful when
we deal with only integer data. The general forms of gete and putw are :
putw ( integer, fp);
getw (fp);
The fprintf and fscanf functions:
fprintf and fscanf can handle a
group of mixed data simultaneously.
The functions fprintf and fscanf
perform I/O operations that are identical to the familiar printf and scanf functions,
except of course that they work on files.
The first argument of these functions
is a file pointer which specifies the file to be used .The general form of
fprintf is
fprintf ( fp, “control string”,
Where fp is a file pointer
associated with a file that has been opened for writing. The control string
contains output specifications for the items in the list. The list may
include variables, constants and strings.
Ex: fprintf ( f1, “%s%d%f”, name , age, 7.5);
Here, name is an array variable of type
char and age is an int variable.
fprintf ( file pointer, “control
string”, list of arguments);
The general format of fscanf is:
fscanf ( fp; “control string”,
This statement would cause the
reading of the items in the list form the file specified by fp, according to
the specifications contained in the control string.
Syntax: fscanf ( file pointer, “control
string”, list of address of arguments);
Ex: fscaf ( f2, “%s%d, item, & quantity);
Like scanf, fscanf also returns the
number of items that are successfully read.
fgets ( ):
This function is used to read a
string from a text file.
Syntax: fgets ( string variable, integer,
file pointer);
Ex: fgets ( line, 80, fp);
fputs ( ):
This function is used to write a
string into a text file.
Syntax: fputs ( string data item, file
Ex: fputs ( name, fp);
I/O functions for binary
The library fns used to handle the
I/O operations of binary files are fread, fwrite
This function is used to read
unformatted data from a binary file into the memory.
Syntax: fread ( address of data elements
number of bytes, number of blocks, file pointer);
Ex: int num;
fread ( &num, sizeOf ( int), 1,
The above function fread reads a
block of data of 2 bytes from the file pointed by fp and assigns that value
to num from its address.
This function is used to write
unformatted data from the memory to a binary files.
Syntax: fwrite (address of data elements,
number of bytes, number of blocks, file pointer);
Ex: int num = 10;
fwrite ( &num, sizeOf (