What is an Applet? What are the Different Types of Applets?

Applets are
small Java programs
that are primarily
used in internet
computing they can
be transported over
the internet form one
computer to another
and run using
the applet viewer (or)
any web browser
that supports Java.
An applet
can perform arithmetic
operations graphics, play
sounds , accept user input,
create animation, and play interactive games.
Local and Remote
Applets :
we can embed
applets in to web pages
in to ways one,
we can write our
applets and embed them in to
web pages. Second, we can download
an applet from a
remote computer system and then
embed it in to a web
An applet
developed locally and stored in a
local system is
known as local applet
when a web page is
trying to find
a local applet
it does not need
to use the
internet and therefore
the local system and locates
and loads the specified
A remote
applet is that
which is developed
by some one
else and stored on a
remote computer connected
to the internet
we can download
the remote applet
on to our system
via at the internet
and run it.
In order to
locate and load a remote
applet, we must
known the applets address on the
web. This address is known as
uniform resource locator (URL).