What is Spanning Tree?

Spanning tree:
A spanning tree for an
undirected graph G is a graph consisting of all the nodes of ‘G’ together with
enough edges from G such that
1.There is a path b/w each pair of nodes in ‘t’.
2. There
are no simple cycles in tree.
3. If a
graph G=(V, E) contains n nodes then the spanning tree for the graph has (n –
1) edges.
The number of edges that
must be removed from a graph to form a spanning tree is m- n+1
m edges
n edges
Here 2 edges are removed.
H is a tree.
2. H contains all the vertices of G spanning trees are important because of
there following reasons.
Spanning tree is very important on designing efficient rooting algorithm.
Spanning tree have wide applications in many such as network designing.