What is Spanning Tree?

Spanning tree:

A spanning tree for an undirected graph G is a graph consisting of all the nodes of ‘G’ together with enough edges from G such that

1.There is a path b/w each pair of nodes in ‘t’.

2.  There are no simple cycles in tree.

3. If a graph G=(V, E) contains n nodes then the spanning tree for the graph has (n – 1) edges.

The number of edges that must be removed from a graph to form a spanning tree is m- n+1

m edges

spanning tree

n edges

spanning tree 1


Here 2 edges are removed.

1.          H is a tree.

2.     H contains all the vertices of G spanning trees are important because of there      following reasons.

a.          Spanning tree is very important on designing efficient rooting algorithm.

b.          Spanning tree have wide applications in many such as network designing.


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