What is Type Conversion? Explain its Types?

Converting one data into
another is called type conversion. In ‘C’ language type conversions are done
in 2 ways.
1. Implicit type
2. Explicit type
1. Implicit type
The lower data is
converted into higher data.
Ex:– Integer value is converted into float value. In
case of implicit type convention data is not loosed.
Ex:– int x = 10;
printf(“%f”, x);
out put - 10.000000
It is called arithmetic
type conversion.
C permits mixing of
constants & variables of different types in an experiment. C
automatically converts any intermediate values to the proper type. This
automatic conversion is known as implicit type conversion.
If the operands are of
different types the lower type is automatically converted to the higher type
before the operation proceeds. The result is of higher type.
The final result of an expression is
converted to the type of the
variable on the left of the assignment
sign before assigning the value of it. However, the following changes are
introduced during the final assignment.
1. float to int causes truncation of
the fractional part.
2. double to float causes round of
3. long int to int causes dropping of
the excess higher order bits.
2. Explicit type
Higher data is converted
into lower data.
Ex:– float data is converted
into integer data.
Ex:– float
x = 10.25;
y = (int)x;
out put = 10.
In the above ex. It
truncates the fractional data. That means it causes loss of data.
Ex:– x = (int)
21.75/(int)4.3 it takes 21/4 gives 5.
However, these are instances when we
wait to force a t.c in a way that is different from the automatic type conversion consider the following example.
#include < stdio.h >
#include < conio.h >
int x, y;
float a;
x = 6, y = 4;
a = x/y;
printf(“\n result %f”, a);
In the above example the output is 1.000000 but not 1.5 because
6&4 are of integer 1, this 1 is stored in the variable ‘a’. That is conved
to 1.000000( because of float data).
Sometimes we require to force the
compiler explicitly converts the value of an expression from one data to
another data is called type casting (or) explicit type
This is done by using cast operator
as follows :
Syntax: (type–name) expression;
Where type–name is one of the
standard C data types. The expression may be constant, variable or an expression.
#include < stdio.h >
#include < conio.h >
int x, y;
float a;
x = 6, y = 4;
a = (float)x/y;
printf(“\n result %f”, a);
Note that the value of x
does not permanently change as a result of type casting. Rather it is the
value of the expression. That undergoes in type conversion whenever the cast
operator appears.