Write about String Handling Functions in C language?

The C library supports a large
number of strings handling functions that can be used to carry out many of the
string manipulations.
The most commonly used string functions:
1. strcat ( ) – concatenates two
2. strcmp() – compare two strings.
3. strcpy ( ) – copies one string over
4. strlen ( ) –finds the length of
a string.
strcat ( ):
The strcat function joins two strings
together.It takes the following form:
strcat ( string1, string2);
str1 and str2 are character arrays.
When the function strcat is executed ,str2 is appended to str1. It doesn’t
removes the null character at the end of str1 and placing str2 from there.The string at str2 remains
Example :
We must move sure that the size of
str1 is large enough to accommodate the final string. strcat function may also append a string constant
to a string variable.
starcat ( str1, “Good);
C permits nesting of strcat functions:
strcat ( strcat ( str1, str1) str3);
It concatenates all the 3 strings
together. The resulting string is stored in str 1.
strcmp ( ):
The strcmp function compares two strings
identified by the arguments and have a value 0 if they are equal. If they are
not equal, it has the numeric difference between. The first nonmatching characters in the strings.
strcmp ( str1, str2);
str1 and str2 may be string variables or string constants.
strcmp ( name1, name2);
strcamp ( name1, “John”);
strcmp ( "ROM”, “Ram”);
Ex: strcmp ( "their “, “there”);
ASCII (i) –ASCII ( r)
105 – 114 = -9
strcpy ( ):
The strcpy function works almost like a
string assignment operator.
strcpy ( str1, str2);
Assigns the contents of str2 to str1 may be a character away variable or
character constant.
strcpy ( city, “”DELHI”);
Will assign the string DELHI to the
string var: city. The size of the away city should be large enough to receive
the string constant.
strcpy ( city1, city2);
Assign contents of string var city2
to the string variable city1.
strlen ( ):
This function counts and returns the
number of characters in a string.
n = strlen ( string);
where n is an integer variables , which
receiver the value of the length of the string. The argument may be string
constant. The counting ends at the first null character.
The header file < strigh.h >
contains many more string manipulation functions.
The function strncpy that copies only the
left –most n characters of the source string to the target string variable. This
is a three-parameter function and is invoked as:
strncpy (s1,s2,5);
This statement copies the first 5
characters of the source string size s2 into the target string s1.
This function has three parameters as shown below.
strncmp ( s1, s2, n);
This compares the left most n
characters of s1 to s2 and returns:
a) 0 of they are equal.
b) –ve number, if s1 sub-string is less
than s2 and
c) +ve number , otherwise.
This is another concatenation function that takes three parameters as:
strncat ( s1, s2, n);
will concatenate the left most n characters of s2 to the end of s1.
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strstr(): |
It is a two-parameter function that can be
used to locate a sub-string in a string.
strstr (s1, s2);
strstr (s1, “ABC”);
The function strstr searches the string
s1 to see whether the string s2 is contained in s1. If yes the function returns
the position of the first occurrence of the sub-string. Otherwise, it returns
a NULL pointer.
if(strstr (s1,s2) = = NULL)
printf (“substring is not found”);
printf ( “S2 is a substring of S1);
We also have functions to determine the existence
of a character in a string.
strchr ( s1, ‘m’);
Will locate the first occurrence of
the character ‘m’.
strrchr (s1, ‘m’);
Will locate the last occurrence of
the character ‘m’ in the string s1.
It is used to reverse the given
strrev ( “Hai”);
Output: iaH. |
strupr ( ):
This is the function used to convert the
given string to upper case letters.
strupr (“Sasi”);
Output: SASI |
strlwr ( ):
This is the function used to convert the
given string to lower case letters.
strlwr ( “SASI’);
Output: sasi |