Explain Java Environment ? (or) Java Development Tool Kit ?

Java environment includes a large number of development tools are part of the system known as java development kit is the classes is methods are part of the java standard library (JSL) also known as application programming interface (API).

Java development kit (JDK) :

JDK contains collector of tools that are used for developing is running java programs.

Applet viewer® To run java applets.

Javac ® Java complies (translates java source code to byte code)

Java ® Java interpreter (runs applets is applications by interpreting byte code files)

Javap ® (Java disassembler) ® gives program description.

Javah® for c header files.

Javadoc ® for creating HTML document.

Jdb ® java debugger.

Application Programming Interface :

Java standard library or (API) contains hundreds of classes & methods grouped into several functional packages.

Language support package : A collection of classes & methods required for implementing basic features of java.

java. lang * ;

Utilities package : A collection of classes to provide ability function functions such as date & time functions.

java.util. * ;

Input Output package : A collection of classes required for input & output manipulation.

java. io.*;

Networking package :  A collection of classes for communicating with other computers via internet.

java. net. * ;

AWI package :   Abstract window to classes that implement platform independent graphical user interface.

java. awt. *;

Applet package : This includes a set of classes that allows as to create java applet.

java. applet. *;


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