What is an array ? Write about one dimensional array?


An array is a group of contagious (or) continuous related data items that share a common name. a particular value in an array is indicated by writing a number called index number (or) subscript in brackets([ ]) of the array name.

For example salary[10]; represents the salary of the 10th employee while the complete set of values is referred to as an array, the individual values are called elements.

One dimensional arrays:

A list of items can be given one variable name using only one subscript and such a variable is called a single subscripted variable(or) an one dimensional array.

For example if we want to represent a set of five numbers say (9, 10, 11, 12, 13) while an array variable number then we may create the variable number as follows.

int number [ ]=new int[5];

The values to the array elements can be assigned as follows.

number [0]=35;

In java subscript starts with the value o these elements may be used in programs just like any other java variable. For example the following are valid statements.

A number=number[0]+10;


The subscript of an array can be integer constant, integer variables like I, or expressions that yield integers.

Creating an array:

Like any other variable, arrays must be declared and created in the computer memory before they are used.

Creation of an array involves three steps

1. Declaring the array

2. Creating memory locations

3. Putting values into the memory locations

Declaration of arrays:

Arrays in java may be declared in two forms:



int number [ ];
int [ ] counter;

remember, we do not enter the size of the arrays  in the declaration.

Creation of arrays:

After declaring an array, we need to create it in the memory. Java allows us to create arrays using new operator only 1 as shown below



number=new int[5];

Create necessary memory locations for the array number and designate as int. now the variable number refers to an array of 5 integers.

It is also possible to combine the two steps declaration & creation into one as follows:

int number [ ] =new int[5];

initialization of arrays:

the final step is to put values into the a may created. This process is known as initialization. This is done using the array subscript as shown below.




Note that java creates arrays starting with the subscript of 0 and ends with a value oneless that the size specified.

We can also initialize arrays automatically in the same way as the ordinary variables when they are declared as shown below.


int number[ ]={35, 40, 20, 57, 19};

it is possible to assign an array objects to another. Example

int a[ ]={1, 2, 3};

int b[ ] ;


are valid in java.

Array length:

In java, all arrays store the allocated size in a variable named length. We can obtain the length of the array a using a length.


int asize=a.length;

Ex: Program for Sorting of numbers

class NumberSorting
public static void main(String args[ ] )
int number [ ] ={55, 40, 80, 65, 71};
int n=number.length;
System.out.println(“given list:”);
for (int i=0;i < n ; i++)
System.out.println(“ “+number[i]);
System.out.println(“ \ n ”);
for (int i=0; i < n ; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j < n ; j++)
if(number [ i ] < number [ j ])
int temp=number[i];
System.out,println(“sorted list”);
for (int i=0; i < n ; i++)
System.out.println(“ “ +number [ i ]);
System.out.println( “ “);


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