Write about Decission making & looping in Java With Example?

Decision making & looping:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
The process of repeatedly executing a block of statement is known as looping.
A looping process is general would include the following for steps.

® setting and initialization of a counter.

® execution of the statements in the loop.

® test for a specified condition for execution of the loop.

® increment the counter.

The java language provides three constructs for performing loop operation.
They are:

1. while construct

2. do construct

3. for construct

While construct:

The simplest of all the looping structures in java in the while statement. The basic format of the while statement is


while(test condition)
Body of the loop;

The while loop is an entry control loop statement. The test condition is evaluated and if the condition is true then the body of the loop is executed. After execution of the body of the text condition is once again evaluated and if it is true the body is executed once again. This process of repeated execution of the body continuous until the test condition finally becomes false, and the control is transferred out of the loop. On exist the program continuous with the statement immediately after the body of the loop.

Eg  sum of squares of 10 numbers

class Sample
public static void main(String a[ ])
int i=1, sum=0;
while (i < =10)
System.out. println(“sum of squares of 10 no”+sum);

Do construct:
On some occasions it might be necessary to execute the body of the loop before the test is performed. Such situations can be handled with the help of the do statement. This takes the form.


Body of the loop;
while(test condition);

On reaching the do statement the program proceeds, to evaluate the body of the loop first, at the end of the loop the test condition on the while statement is evaluated. If the condition is true the program continues to evaluate the body of the loop once again. This process continuous on long as the condition is true. When the condition becomes false the loop will be terminated and the control goes to the statement that appears immediately after the whole statement.

Since the test condition is evaluated at the bottom of the loop the do while construct provides on end control loop and therefore the body of the loop is always executed at least once.


 class Odd
public static void main(String a[ ])
int i=1, sum=0;
System. out. println(“odd numbers upto 50 is”+i);
while(i <=50);
System. out. println(“ sum of 50 is”+sum);

 The for statement:

 The for loop is another entry controlled loop, that provides a more concise loop control structure. The general form of the for loop is:

for(initialization; condition ; increment/decrement)
Body of the loop;

The execution of the for statement is as follows:

1. Initialization of the control variable is done first, using assignment statement.

2. The value of the control variable is tested using the test condition. The best condition is a relational expression that determines when the loop will exit. If the condition is true the body of the loop is executed. Otherwise the loop is terminated and the execution continuous with the statement that immediately follows the loop.

3.  When the body of the loop is executed the control variable is incremented. The new value of control variable is again tasted to see whether it satisfies the loop conditions. If the condition is satisfied, the body of the loop is again executed. This process continuous till the value of the control variable fails to satisfy the test condition.

The time sections enclosed with in parenthesis must be separated by semi colon(;).

class Sample
Public static void main(String args[ ])
int sum=0;
for(int i=1; i < = 10; i++)
sum=sum+i *i;
System. out. println(“sum of squares of 10 no. s”+sum);

The enhanced for loop:

The enhanced for loop also called for each loop. This feature helps us to retrieve the array of elements efficiently rather than using array indexes. We can also this feature to eliminate the iterations in a for loop, and to retrieve the elements from a collection the enhanced for loop takes the following form.


for(type identifier : expression)

Where type represents the datatype (or) object used.

Identifier refers to the name of a variable and expression in an array (or) a collection


import  java. util.*;
class Sample
public static void main(String a[ ] )
String str[ ]={“RJY”, “TNK”, NDD”,”ND”};
for(string i: str)


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