Write about Labeled loops in Java

Labeled loops:

In java we can give a label to a block of statements a label is any valid java variable name. to give a label to a loop, place it before the loop with a colon(:) at the end.

For eg:

loop1: for(……..)

A block of statements can be labeled as shown below.

Block 2:

We have seen that simple break statement causes the control to jump outside the nearest loop and a simple continue statement restarts the current loop. If we want to jump outside a nested loops or to continue a loop. i. e outside the current one then we may have to use the labeled break and labelled continue statements.


 outer: for(int m=1; m < 10; m++)
for(int n=1; n < 10;n++)
System.out.println(“ “+m*n);
continue outer;

Here they continue statement terminates the inner loop when m==n and continuous with the next iteration of the outer loop.


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