How to align text in Microsoft Word

How to align text in Microsoft Word:

Below are the steps on how to change the alignment of text in a word processor and most text editing programs.

Align text in Microsoft Word
Note: The steps below for changing the alignment of text in Microsoft Word and can also be used for align text in a column or row for Microsoft Excel and most other programs.

formatting techniques

You can change the horizontal alignment of text in Word by highlighting the text you want to change and clicking the left, center, or right alignment icons, as shown in the image above.


Press one of the shortcut keys to adjust the alignment of any highlighted text. For left alignment highlight the text and press Ctrl+L. For center alignment highlight the text and press Ctrl+E. For right alignment highlight the text and press Ctrl+R.

Adjusting the vertical alignment

If you want to change the vertical alignment of text follow the steps listed below.

1.    Open Microsoft Word
2.    Click File and then Page Setup
3.    Click the Layout tab
4.    Under Vertical alignment click the down arrow and select center, bottom or the alignment you want to use. If you do not want this setting to affect the whole document, change the "Apply to" to selected text.


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