Actionscript Objective Questions for Interviews

Top Most Actionscript Objective Questions
1. What keyword brings control out of a loop
A. split
B. break
C. end
D. stop
Ans B
2. Read the following code var str1String = foobar; var str2String = helloWorld; var str3String = (str1.length 5) str1 str2; trace(str3); What will be the output
A. foobar
B. There will be no output
C. helloWorld
D. IllegalOperationError
Ans A
3. When started, how will the following Timer execute var timerTimer = new Timer(3000,0); will run for
A. it will not run
B. 3s – 1time
C. 3000ms – Infinite
D. 300ms – 1time
Ans C
4. Which of these errors does not occur at runtime
A. Compile time error
B. Runtime error
C. Programming error
D. Synchronous error
Ans A
5. What type of number is returned by Math.asin()
A. Degree
B. Radian
C. Cosine
D. Whole
Ans B
6. When using addChild() to add a child object, what does the child get added to
A. The timeline
B. The Display List
C. A Movie Clip
D. _root
Ans B
7. Sprite is a class of the following package
A. flash.mob
C. flash.display
D. flash.sprite
Ans C
8. Which is NOT a valid access modifier
A. These are all valid access modifiers
B. internal
C. private
D. protected
Ans A
9. What is the output of the following snippet var animal1String = Lions; var animal2String = Dogs; var zooArray = new Array(animal1, animal2, and Bears); zoo[1] = Tigers; trace(zoo);
A. Nothing; the function throws a compiler error
B. Lions,Tigers, and Bears
C. Tigers,Dogs, and Bears
D. Tigers,Lions, and Bears
Ans B
10. Which class is used to load an XML File
A. URLLoader
B. NetLoader
C. Loader
D. FileLoader
Ans A
11. To detect when an object has entered into a stage we listen for
A. obj1.addEventListener(Event.Init,fn);
B. obj1.addEventListener(Event.InitStage, fn);
C. obj1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,fn);
D. obj1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,fn);
Ans C
12. What is the result of the following code var bArray = [1,2,3].map(function(i) { return i+1 }); trace(b);
A. 2,3,4
B. ,,
C. undefined
D. error
E. 1,1,1
Ans A
13. What class is needed to change the alignment of text in a TextField
A. TextDisplayMode
B. TextFormat
C. Format
D. TextFieldAutoSize
Ans B
14. What does the stop() action do
A. The code progress stops until play() is called
B. It stops playback in the timeline it is called in
C. It stops playback in the _root timeline
D. Flash doc pauses until the user presses “return”
Ans B
15. The proper syntax for assigning an object literal is
A. var obj{foo, bar}
B. var objObject = {foo, bar}
C. var objObject = {prop1foo, prop2bar}
D. var obj{prop1foo, prop2bar}
Ans C
16. What event is dispatched when a Loader finishes loading
Ans B
17. What symbols represent an XML literal tag delimiter
B. { }
C. [ ]
D. ( )
Ans A
18. How would you load an image from an external file
A. url = new URL(file location);
B. var urlReqURLRequest = new URLRequest(file location);
C. var ldr = new loader(file location);
D. var URLRequest = (file location);
E. var loader = new URL(file location);
Ans B
19. Choose the BEST appropriate data type for the following situation A teacher would like you to record a list of student names and grades in an array.
A. String
B. uint
C. int
D. Char
Ans A
20. On an Event handler function, how do you know which item fired the event
A. By accessing the parent property of the event
B. It is impossible
C. By accessing the target property of the event
Ans C
21. Which of these is a valid variable declaration
A. var myVar = ;
B. var myVarString;
C. var myVarString = new String();
D. var myVarString = ;
E. All of them.
Ans E
22. Which method will call the constructor of a parent class
A. branch()
B. super()
C. constructor()
D. parent()
Ans B
23. public function someFunction(value Number) { switch(value) { case 5 trace (Hello); case 9 trace (World); } trace(Apples); } What would the output be if someFunction(4) were called
A. Nothing; the function would throw a compiler error
B. HelloWorldApples
C. Hello World Apples
D. Apples
Ans D
24. Which keyword allows a child class to overwrite a parent class’s method
A. override
B. final
C. static
D. overwrite
Ans A
25. To detect when an object was entered to stage we listen for
Ans A
26. The function Date.getDay() will return a zero for what day of the week
A. Wednesday
B. Sunday
C. Monday
D. Saturday
Ans B
27. The correct syntax for removing an object from a specific index position of the stage is
A. stage.removeChild(index);
B. stage.removeChildIndex(index);
C. stage.removeChildAt(index);
D. stage.remove(index);
Ans C
28. var checkBoolean = 0; will have value of
A. undefined
B. 1
C. false
D. 0
E. true
Ans C
29. What is the difference between .swc and .swf
A. .swc is for graphics
B. .swc can be imported as a standalone library
C. none
D. .swf is more lightweight
Ans B
30. Which class can be used to change the color of a display object
A. Transform
B. Matrix
C. ObjectFormat
D. ColorTransform
Ans D
31. How do you create a circle
Ans C
32. The addEventListener() function is used to
A. Add an event
B. Hide an event listener
C. Register an event listener for an event
D. Remove an event
Ans C
33.ButtonOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,runA); ButtonTwo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,runB); What happens when ButtonOne’s click event is triggered
A. Both runA and runB are called
B. Neither runA nor runB are called
C. runA is called
D. runB is called
Ans C
34. What is the smallest amount by which the Timer class measures time
A. Nanoseconds
B. Frames
C. Seconds
D. Milliseconds
Ans D
35. How do you add an object to the display list
A. add(object);
B. addChild(object);
C. addToDisplay(object);
D. addToStage(object);
Ans B
36. What is the import statement for Mouse Click events
A. flash.MouseEvent.MouseClick;
C. flash.display.MovieClip.MouseEvent;
D. flash.event.MouseClick;
E. flash.display.MouseClick;
Ans B
37. Which statement can be used to exit an otherwise infinite for loop
A. default;
B. skip;
C. exit;
D. break;
Ans D
38. Which of the following is NOT a function of the String class
A. concat
B. substr
C. substring
D. color
Ans D
39. How do you end filling on a shape object
A. obj.end();
C. obj.gfx.endFill();
D. obj.grafics.endFill();
Ans E
40. Which event class can be used to tell if a user clicks on an object
A. MouseEvent
B. ClickEvent
C. Event
D. CursorEvent
Ans A
41. What expression will insert a new line into a String
A. n
B. new
C. newline
D. break
Ans A
42. Which function of the String class returns the number of characters in a string
A. size()
B. chars()
C. length()
D. characters()
Ans C
43. Which of these is a valid variable declaration
A. var aNumber = 0;
B. var int a = 0;
C. a = 0
D. variable a = 0;
Ans A
44. What element appears above and below lines of annotated code to distinguish them from working code
A. and
B. and
C. and
D. and
Ans D
45. Which one of the following is a strict type declaration
A. var myVar = new Sprite();
B. var myVarSprite = new Sprite();
C. var myVar = Sprite();
D. var myVar = new Sprite();
Ans B
46. The correct syntax for opening a webpage using the default web browser is
A. open(new SiteRequest(;
B. navigateToURL(new URL(;
C. navigateToURL(new URLRequest(;
D. navigateToSite(new Site(;
Ans C
47. To display messages on the console we type
A. console.log(‘foo’);
B. trace(‘foo’);
C. print(‘foo’);
D. console(‘foo’);
Ans B
48. To disable mouse selection to an InteractiveObject, the correct syntax is
A. item.mouseEnabled = false;
B. item.disableMouse()
C. item.enabled(false)
D. item.canClick = false;
Ans A
49. What is a Sprite
A. A display object container
B. A woodland fairy
C. A bitmap image
D. A data type similar to a String
Ans A
50. What is the method to add a DisplayObject on the DisplayList
A. addChild()
B. load()
C. push()
D. addItem()
Ans A
51. Which of the following is a function of the MovieClip class
A. play()
B. end()
C. halt()
D. gotoAndHalt()
Ans A
52. What is the output of the following snippet var string1String = Hello World; var string2String = Hello World; if (string1 == string2) { trace(TRUE); } else { trace(FALSE); }
B. Neither; the code results in a compile time error
C. Neither; the code prints out nothing
Ans A
53. Choose the BEST appropriate data type for the following situation Lucy wants to store the names of the animals at the zoo into an array of variables.
A. Char
B. Word
C. Int
D. String
Ans D
54. What is the correct function to call in order to open an external url
A. navigateToURL(new URLRequest(;
B. navigateToURL(new URL(;
C. open(new SiteRequest(;
D. navigateToSite(new Site(;
Ans A
55. What is the modular and performance-oriented concept upon which ActionScript is built
A. Script Code Programming
B. Procedural Programming
C. Functional Programming
D. Object Oriented Programming
Ans D
56. To bind an event listener the correct syxtax is
A. item.addListener(‘event’,function);
B. item.listener(‘event’,function);
C. item.addEventListener(‘event’,function);
D. item.eventListener(‘event’,function);
Ans C
57. To communicate with Javascript the correct synxtax is
B. ExternalInterface(‘foo’);
Ans C
58. Which class can be used to find the size in bytes of your SWF or other media file
A. FileSize
B. LoaderInfo
C. Loader
D. FileData
Ans B
59. Sprite is a class of the following package
A. flash.display
D. flash.displaycore
Ans A
60. Referring to the index position of an array item that doesn’t exist will throw which error
A. EvalError
B. RangeError
C. DefinitionError
D. SizeError
Ans B
61. What is the name of the function of the StringUtil Class that removes all white spaces from the beginning and end of a String
A. trim()
B. clean()
C. removeWhiteSpace()
D. cut()
Ans A
62. What is a correct syntax to cast a String str into a Number
A. newNum = Number(str);
B. newNum = stringToNumber(str);
C. newNum = str.Number();
D. newNum = cast(str, Number);
Ans A
63. Which is required to download images from another domain
A. allowdomain policy file
B. crossdomain policy file
C. username and password
D. serial number
Ans B
64. Choose the BEST appropriate data type for the following situation Your boss wants you to calculate the percentage of people that donated more than five dollars to your non-profit.
A. int
B. Number
C. long
D. String
Ans B
65. Which of the following is not a primitive type in ActionScript 3.0
A. Number
B. String
C. Array
D. Boolean
Ans C
67. Which method allows you to join two Arrays into a new Array
A. var myNewArrayArray = myArray1 + myArray2;
B. var myNewArrayArray = myArray1+=myArray2;
C. var myNewArrayArray = myArray1.concat(myArray2);
D. var myNewArrayArray = join(myArray1, myArray2);
Ans C
68. The correct syntax for testing for overlap between the bounding boxes of two objects is
A. obj1.hitTestPoint(obj2);
B. obj1.hitTestObject(obj2);
C. obj1.hitTestBox(obj2);
D. obj1.hitTest(obj2);
Ans B
69. How can you retrieve an attribute from an XML variable
A. myXML.item.source;
B. myXML.item.@source[source];
C. myXML.item.@source;
D. myXML.item.source[source];
Ans C
70. In the event of an infinite recursion, what exception will be thrown
A. BreakError
B. IllegalOperationError
C. TimeoutError
D. StackOverflowError
Ans D
71. What is the default maximum size allocated by the user for shared objects
A. 1 KB
B. 1 MB
C. 100 KB
D. 10 KB
Ans C
72. How do you properly remove c in var cMovieClip = new MovieClip(); c.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myFunction); addChild(c);
A. removeChild(c);
B. delete c;
C. c.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myFunction); removeChild(c);
Ans C
73 .Which class can be used to read the URL that your SWF or media file is currently running on
A. Stage
B. Security
C. LoaderInfo
D. Loader
Ans C
74. What object can’t be added to display list directly
A. TextField
B. SimpleButton
C. Bitmap
D. Shape
E. BitmapData
Ans E
75. If a Timer is set with a repeatCount of 0 (zero), how many times will the timer run
A. It will throw an error
B. Infinitely many
C. Zero
D. One
Ans B
76. What is the difference between .swc and .swf
A. .swc is a library of assets, .swf is for Flash Professional only
B. .swc is an executable packet, .swf is a library
C. .swc is for Flex, .swf is for Flash Professional
D. .swc is a class packet, .swf is an executable
Ans D
77. To dispatch an event with a custom type the correct syntax is
A. this.dispatchEvent(‘event’);
B. this.dispatchEvent(new Event(‘myEvent’));
C. this.dispatchNewEvent(new Event(‘event’));
D. this.dispatch(new Event(‘myEvent’));
Ans B
78. To successfully remove an event listener the correct syntax is
A. this.removeEventListener(‘event’);
B. this.removeEvent(‘event’,function);
C. this.removeEventListener(new Event(‘event’),function);
D. this.removeEventListener(‘event’,function);
Ans D
79. ActionScript 3.0 is related most closely to 
A. Perl
B. C
C. JavaScript
D. Java
Ans C
80. What is an appropriate class to utilize when importing data from an external file
A. FileReference
B. URLLoader
C. There is no such class
D. URLFile
Ans B
81. What access modifier hides a variable or function
A. (none of these)
B. final
C. private
D. hidden
Ans C
82. To skip the remaining code in a loop and proceed to the next cycle without leaving the loop you would type
A. return;
B. continue;
C. break;
D. exit;
Ans B
83. Which property of an event listener can be set to allow for garbage collection of that listener
A. priority
B. useWeakReference
C. useCapture
D. collected
Ans B
84. What is the name of the variable that passes arguments into a flash movie (.swf)
B. FlashVars
C. FlashVar
D. SWFObject
Ans B
85. Which video format is AIR and Flash Player NOT compatible with
B. MP4
C. M4A
Ans D
86. What method is used to find the character at position (i) in a String (s)
A. s.getCharPos(i)
B. s.getChar(i)
C. s.charCodeAt(i)
D. s.charAt(i)
Ans D
87. What will be in output console var a Sprite = new Sprite(); var b Sprite = a; a = null; trace(b);
A. BreakError
B. IllegalOperationError
C. StackOverflowError
D. [object Sprite]
Ans D
88. How do you access a specific child of a container Sprite
A. mySprite.getChildByIndex(index);
B. mySprite.getChildByName(‘child’);
C. mySprite.getChild(‘child’);
D. mySprite.getChildren(index);
Ans B
89. What is the default maximum size for a remote shared object
A. 5 MB
B. 512 kB
C. 100 kB
D. 1 MB
Ans C
90. Read the following code var iint = 5; var sString = 5; trace(i==s); trace(i===s); What will this code output
A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Ans A
91. Which of the following text controls allows the user to input text
i. Text
ii. TextArea
iii. TextInput
iv. RichTextEditor
A. i, iii, and iv
B. ii, iii, and iv
C. i, ii, and iii
D. i, ii, and iv
Ans B
92. Read the following code var bool1Boolean = true; var bool2Boolean = false; trace(bool1 = bool2); trace(bool1 &&= bool2); What will be the output
A. false, true
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. true, false
Ans D
93. Which one is a valid method of opening a link in ActionScript 3
A. getURL(new URLRequest(, _blank);
B. navigateToURL(, _blank);
C. navigateToURL(new URLRequest(, _blank);
D. getURL(, _blank);
Ans C
94. How do you store data in a Dictionary
A. dictionary.push(‘key’);
B. dictionary[‘key’].push(‘key’);
C. dictionary = ‘key’;
D. dictionary[key] = ‘key’;
Ans D
95. What property of an event listener refers to the object actively processing an Event object
A. currentTarget
B. target
C. listener
D. currentObject
Ans A
96. Which of the following ways can be used to concatenate String str1 and String str2 1). str1 = str1 + str2; 2). str1.concat(str2); 3). str1.concat(str1, str2); 4). str1 += str2;
A. All
B. 1, 3, and 4
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. 1, 2, and 4
Ans D
97. What will be in output console var a Sprite = new Sprite(); var b Sprite = a; a = null; trace(b);
A. undefined
B. [Object Sprite]
C. b
D. nothing
E. null
Ans B
98. The volume of a sound can be adjusted using what class
A. SoundMixer
B. Sound
C. SoundChannel
D. SoundTransform
Ans D
99. What is the output of the following snippet var worldNumber = 3; trace(Hello + world + 3 + 3);
A. Hello world 6
B. Hello 333
C. Hello world 33
D. Hello 36
Ans B
100. Which of the following is a function of the Timer class
A. reset()
B. tick()
C. progress()
D. restart()
Ans A
101. To cast a class as a specific type the correct syntax is
A. typemyType = new Type(myType);
B. typemyType = new Type();
C. typemyType = new myType();
D. typemyType = new Type() as myType;
Ans D
102. Which of the following is a valid way to create a Vector of type String i. var v Vector.String = new String[str1, str2, str3]; ii. var vVector.String = new Vector.String(); iii. var vStringVector = new StringVector(); iv. var v StringVector = [str1, str2, str3];
A. i and ii
B. All of these
C. i and iv
D. i, ii, and iii
Ans A
103. Which keyword will prevent a method from being overwritten by a child class
A. protected
B. final
C. native
D. override
Ans B
104. What are the three phases of the event flow
A. listen, catch and register
B. capture, target and bubbling
C. hold, acquire and callback
D. addListener, callback and removeListener
Ans B
105. To display hand cursor over a Sprite you declare
A. mouseChildren = true;
B. useHandCursor = true;
C. showHandCursor = true;
D. cursor = pointer;
Ans B
106. What does the following display for each (var someVar in someArray) { trace(someVar); }
A. The contents of the array someVar
B. The contents of the array someArray
C. None of these
D. The someArray of someVar
Ans B
107. What is AVM1Movie
A. AVM1Movie is a simple movie played in the the AS3 Virtual Machine
B. AVM1Movie does not exists in ActionScript 3.0
C. AVM1Movie is a class that represents AVM1 movie clips, which use ActionScript 1.0 or 2.0.
Ans C
108. Which of these functions of ArrayCollection adds an item at the end of a collection
A. add()
B. addItem()
C. splice()
D. append()
Ans B
109. Which of the following will add the element someElement to the end of the Array someArray
A. someArray.append(someElement);
B. someArray[someArray.length] = someElement;
C. someArray.add(someElement);
D. someArray[0] = someElement;
Ans B
110. Which of the following will NOT be garbage collected
A. sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, myFn,false,0,true);
B. sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click,myFn);
C. this.removeChildByName(‘mySprite’);
D. sprite = null;
Ans B
111. What is the result of the following code import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; var ClassReferenceClass = getDefinitionByName(flash.display.Sprite) as Class; var instanceObject = new ClassReference(); trace(instance);
A. [object Object]
B. [object Sprite]
C. [object Class]
D. [object ClassReference]
Ans B
111. How do you create style rules for textFields
A. txt.setFontStyle(options);
B. txt.setTextStyle(options);
C. txt.setTextFormat(options);
D. txt.setStyle(options);
Ans C
112. What property of the Date class does not accept 0 as a parameter
A. month
B. date
C. day
D. hours
Ans B
113. What class creates a two way connection between a client FlashAIR application and a server
A. ServerSocket
B. ServerConnect
C. LocalConnection
D. NetConnection
Ans D
114. The following code will create,0);
A. A white box
B. An empty box
C. Nothing
D. A black box
Ans C
115. What is the difference between Shape and Sprite
A. Shape cannot have event listeners attached.
B. Sprite cannot draw with graphics class.
C. Sprite cannot add children to it self.
D. Shape cannot add children to it self.
Ans D
116. Which of the following snippets will set String myDay to the current day of the week
A. var dDate = new Date(); myDay =;
B. var dDate = new Date(); myDay = d.dayOfWeek;
C. var dDate = new Day(); myDay = d.toString();
D. var dDate = new Date(); myDay =;
Ans D
117. Which of these is not a valid class
A. String
B. Number
C. Integer
D. MovieClip
E. none of these
Ans C
118. Which class of objects can be focused by setting stage.focus
A. DisplayObject
B. StaticText
C. MorphShape
D. InteractiveObject
Ans D
119. What effect does the following code have button.useHandCursor = true; button.buttonMode = true; button.mouseChildren = false;
A. No Mouse cursor
B. Resize Mouse cursor
C. Pointer Mouse cursor
D. Default Mouse cursor
Ans C
120. How to change the text color of a TextField
A. field.color = 0x000000;
B. field.fontColor = #000000;
C. field.textColor = 0x000000;
D. field.textColor = #000000;
Ans C
121. Read the following code var str1String = Hello world!; trace(str1.substr(2,7)); What will be the output
A. ello wo
B. ello w
C. llo wor
D. llo wo
Ans C
122. To bind a Class to a bitmap object you do the following
A. bitmap = new Class();
B. bitmap.addChild(myClass());
C. bitmap.addChild(myClass);
D. bitmap = new myClass();
Ans D
123. To hide the standard context menu options, which function can you call
A. removeBuiltInItems()
B. removeMenuItems()
C. hideBuiltInItems()
D. hideStandardMenu()
Ans C
124. MovieClip is a direct child of which class
A. Sprite
B. InteractiveObject
C. DisplayObject
D. Shape
Ans A
125. Which is not a correct StageScaleMode Constant
A. StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
B. StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
C. StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER;
D. StageScaleMode.STRETCH;
Ans D
126. Which of the following is NOT a property of a GeolocationEvent
A. speed
B. heading
C. altitude
D. timezone
Ans D
127. Which event fires when the display objects of a frame have loaded but before any frame scripts run
A. exitFrame
B. frameConstructed
C. enterFrame
D. frameStart
Ans B
128. To make a Sprite have hand cursor when hovered you do the following
A. mySprite.useHandCursor = true;
B. mySprite.buttonMode = true;
C. mySprite.mouseChildren = true;
D. All of these
Ans D
129. Tween easing is loaded by importing
A. fl.motion.easing
B. flash.Tween.easing
C. fl.transitions.Tween.easing
D. fl.transitions.easing
Ans D
130. What is the result of the following code var bNumber = [0,1,2,3,4].indexOf(0); trace(b)
A. 0
B. -1
C. undefined
Ans B
131. The Loader object exists in which package
B. flash.display
C. flash.system
Ans B
132. What is an appropriate class to utilize when storing data to an external file
A. URLFile
B. There is no such class
C. FileReference
D. URLLoader
Ans B
133. What is the output of the following snippet var sString = Pandas use tea cups to drink tea; s.replace(tea, );
A. Pandas use tea cups to drink tea
B. Pandas use tea cups to drink
C. Pandas use cups to drink
D. Nothing; the function throws a compiler error
Ans A
134. Which of the following can you NOT do through the System class
A. Read the user’s clipboard
B. Set the user’s clipboard
C. Read the amount of memory available to FlashAIR
D. Close the Flash Player
Ans A
135. Which is true about Stage
A. Everything is a child of the stage.
B. Stage can be scaled.
C. The Stage needs instantiation
D. Stage object is optional.
Ans B
136. What is the default access modifier if none is specified
A. public
B. protected
C. private
D. internal
E. static
Ans D


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