Adobe Cq5 Interview Questions for Freshers part-1

Top Most Adobe Cq5 Interview Questions
What Is Cq5? Give Some Points About Cq5?
Adobe Communique 5, or CQ5, is a java based large-scale web content management system. It combines web content management, digital asset management, and social collaboration to deliver a solution that allows to manage incredible amounts of information, multiple internal and external websites, a myriad of media assets, and detailed workflow.
CQ5 is set of content management services built on a content-centric Web application framework on top of a Java Content Repository.
The product has been completely redesigned from Communiqué 4, allowing Adobe to use new architecture and technologies.
The Graphical User Interface has been completely re-engineered using AJAX and the latest browser technologies. This leads to an unparalleled user experience.
Why Cq5? What Are The Advantages Of Using Cq5?
Building websites through a rich graphical interface, corporate design and user access control of editing and publishing rights.
Implementation of workflows for creating, editing and publishing of content.
Managing a repository of digital assets like images, documents and integrating them to the websites.
Usage of search queries to find content no matter where it is stored in your organization.
Setting up easily the social collaboration blogs, groups.
Tagging utility to organize the digital assets such as images.
Explain The Cq5 Technology Stack?
JCR – Java specification for accessing a content repository, CQ5 uses its own implementation of JCR called CRX. Apache Jackrabbit is an open-source implementation of JCR 2.0 specification.
Apache Sling – RESTful framework to access a JCR over http protocol. It maps the request url to the node in JCR.
OSGi – framework for modular application development using java. Each module called bundle can be independently started and stopped.
What Is A Content Repository?
A content repository is a storage unit with an associated search and access methods allowing application-independent access to the content, the ability to store and modify content in addition to searching and retrieving.
A content repository thus typically forms the technical underpinning of a content application, like a Content Management System or a Document Management System. It functions as the logical storage facility for content.
What Is The Contribution Of Servlet Engine In Cq5?
The Servlet Engine acts as the server within which each CQ (and CRX if used) instance runs as a web application.
Any Servlet Engine supporting the Servlet API 2.4 (or higher) can be used.
Although you can run CQ WCM without an application server, a Servlet Engine is needed.
What Is Meant By Jcr (java Content Repository)?
A Java Content Repository uses the JSR-170 API to access the content repository using Java, independent of the physical implementation. JCR is the Java Content Repository standard, also known as JSR-170 after its Java Specification Request. Later revised version 2 as (JCR-283). A repository effectively consists of two parts:
A Web application that offers the JSR-170 compliant API and temporary data storage (in the form of the session).
A Persistence Manager with persistent data storage, such as the file system or a database.
Give A Note About Apache Sling?
Apache Sling is a web application framework for content-centric applications, using a Java Content Repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit or CRX, to store and manage content.
is based on REST principles to provide easy development of content-oriented applications.
is embedded within CQ5.
is used to process HTTP rendering and data-storage requests which assemble, render and send the content to a client (i.e. the new delivery).
maps Content objects to Components (which render them and process incoming data).
comes with both server-side and AJAX scripting support.
can be used with a range of scripting languages, including JSP, ESP and Ruby.
started as an internal project of Day Management AG.
has been contributed to the Apache Software Foundation.
What Are The 7 Rules Given By David Model?
Rule #1:
Data First, Structure Later. Maybe.
Rule #2:
Drive the content hierarchy, do not let it happen.
Rule #3:
Workspaces are for clone(), merge() and update().
Rule #4:
Beware of Same Name Siblings.
Rule #5:
References considered harmful.
Rule #6:
Files are Files are Files.
Rule #7:
IDs are evil.
What Is Osgi In Cq5? Explain?
OSGi stands for “Open Systems Gateway initiative”
“is the dynamic module system for Java™.”
comes under the classification Universal Middleware.
“provides the standardized primitives that allow applications to be constructed from small, reusable and collaborative components. These components can be composed into an application and deployed.”
OSGi bundles can contain compiled Java code, scripts, content that is to be loaded in the repository, and configuration or additional files, as needed.
allows the bundles to be loaded, and installed, during normal operations. In the case of CQ5, this is managed by the Sling Management Console.
What Is Rest? What Is A Restful Framework?
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. REST-style architectures consist of clients and servers. Clients initiate requests to servers; servers process requests and return appropriate responses. Requests and responses are built around the transfer of representations of resources.
A resource can be essentially any coherent and meaningful concept that may be addressed. A representation of a resource is typically a document that captures the current or intended state of a resource.Apache Sling is RESTful framework to access a java content repository over http protocol.
How Is Authentication Achieved In Cq5?
Authentication is the process of identifying, and verifying, a user.
The process of authentication and login can be broken down as follows:
Authentication information is extracted from the request. In CQ this is done by an authentication handler.
The authentication information is then checked to determine whether it is sufficient and/or correct. In CQ this is performed by the login modules.
The appropriate response is initiated.
For CQ, initial authentication uses a standard HTML-login form in conjunction with the Authorization Header Authentication Handler. The HTML-form must have fields for the user name and password (the same field names must then be used by the Authorization Header Authentication Handler).
You can also use a similar form for controlled access to various areas of your website. For example, CQ can interact with a LDAP server that stores user information centrally, eliminating the need for duplication. This central server is then used to verify login information which enables you to realize Single Sign On, both with other in-house applications and external Portals.
What Is A Template?
A template is the basis of a page. A template is used to create a page and defines which components can be used within the selected scope. A template is a hierarchy of nodes that has the same structure as the page to be created, but without any actual content.
Each template are built up of components available for use.
To create a page, the content of the template must be copied (/apps /[application] /templates /[template-name]) to appropriate position in the site tree. This is one of the main and interesting features of CQ5.
Sling Scripts Cannot Be Called Directly In Cq5- Why?
Scripts cannot be called directly within Sling since it will break the strict concept of a REST server; you would mix resources and representations.
If you call the representation (the script) directly you hide the resource inside your script, so the framework (Sling) no longer knows about it.
What Is A Component In Cq5?
• are modular units which realize specific functionality to present your content on your website.
• are re-usable.
• are developed as self-contained units within one folder of the repository.
• have no hidden configuration files.
• can contain other components.
• run anywhere within any CQ system.
• have a standardized user interface.
• use widgets.
Sling Tag Library, Explain?
In order to utilize helpful Sling functions, Sling Tag library must be declared. When you use the Sling Tag Library in your script, the script must start with the following code:
<%@ taglib prefix=”sling” uri=”″ %>
How Does Cq Work? Speciality?
CQ is an online content management system. This means that authors do not need to install special software in order to use CQ; only a browser is needed.
In CQ, authors create, modify and delete content on an authoring environment.
Basic authoring activities in CQ such as adding text, images, and basic layouts, do not require the knowledge of HTML.
Changes to content in CQ are not made visible to the public until authors activate them (i.e., publish the content). Authors can also deactivate (i.e., unpublish) content if necessary
Specify Some Points On Cq Wcm?
The CQ WCM is the first screen you will see after logging in.
The left panel of the WCM represents the site hierarchy. Here, you will find a tree structure of the pages and other content that can be expanded or collapsed.
This structure is generated as you nest content pages. This is also how URLs are generated.
Once you click on a page from the site hierarchy that contains child pages(i.e., pages nested underneath), the child pages will appear on the WCM right panel.
You can tell that a page has child pages by the presence of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign beside its icon. In the right panel, you may select one or multiple pages on which you would like to perform actions, including moving, deleting, copying, activating or deactivating.
A double-click on the page name expands the tree and opens the page at the same time


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