Computer Graphics Interview Questions Part – 2

Latest Computer Graphics Interview Questions Part – 2
What Is Pix Map?
Some system has multiple bits per pixel, the frame buffer is often referred to as pix map.
Write The Types Of Clipping?
Point clipping, line clipping, area clipping, text clipping and curve clipping.
What Is Meant By Scan Code?
When a key is pressed on the keyboard, the keyboard controller places a code carry to the key pressed into a part of the memory called as the keyboard buffer. This code is called as the scan code.
List Out The Merits And Demerits Of Penetration Techniques?
The merits and demerits of the Penetration techniques areas follows. It is an inexpensive technique. It has only four colors. The quality of the picture is not good when it is compared to other techniques. It can display color scans in monitors. Poor limitation etc.
List Out The Merits And Demerits Of Dvst?
The merits and demerits of direct view storage tubes[DVST] are as follows. It has a flat screen. Refreshing of screen is not required. Selective or part erasing of screen is not possible. It has poor contrast Performance is inferior to the refresh CRT.
What Do You Mean By Emissive And Non-emissive Displays?
The emissive display converts electrical energy into light energy. The plasma panels, thin film electro-luminescent displays are the examples. The Non-emissive are optical effects to convert the sunlight or light from any other source to graphic form. Liquid crystal display is an example.
List Out The Merits And Demerits Of Plasma Panel Display?
Merits. Refreshing is not required. Produce a very steady image free of Flicker. Less bulky than a CRT. Demerits. Poor resolution of up to 60 d.p.i. It requires complex addressing and wiring. It is costlier than CRT.
What Is Persistence?
The time it takes the emitted light from the screen to decay one tenth of its original intensity is called as persistence.
What Is Aspect Ratio?
The ratio of vertical points to the horizontal points necessary to produce length of lines in both directions of the screen is called the Aspect ratio. Usually the aspect ratio is ¾.
What Is The Difference Between Impact And Non-impact Printers?
Impact printer press formed character faces against an inked ribbon on to the paper. A line printer and dot-matrix printer are examples. on-impact printer and plotters use Laser techniques, inkjet sprays, Xerographic process, electrostatic methods and electro thermal methods to get images onto the papers. Examples are: Inkjet/Laser printers.
Define Pixel?
Pixel is shortened forms of picture element. Each screen point is referred to as pixel or pel.
What Is Frame Buffer?
Picture definition is stored in a memory area called frame buffer or refresh buffer.
Where The Video Controller Is Used?
A special purpose processor, which is used to control the operation of the display device, is known as video controller or display controller.
What Is Run Length Encoding?
Run length encoding is a compression technique used to store the intensity values in the frame buffer, which stores each scan line as a set of integer pairs. One number each pair indicates an intensity value, and second number specifies the number of adjacent pixels on the scan line that are to have that intensity value.
What Is Point In The Computer Graphics System?
The point is a most basic graphical element & is completely defined by a pair of user coordinates (x, y).


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