Information Technology Interview Questions Part – 1

Important Information Technology Interview Questions Part – 1
Q – 1 Define Search Engine?
Ans- A search engine is a program that searches for Web documents with keyword (s) you specify. Yahoo!, Google, and AltaVista are just three examples of search engines that have been created to help you find information on the Web.
Q – 2 The Internet was developed in?
Ans- Late 1960s.
As surprising as its age is, the Internet was born from the U.S. military’s need to construct a decentralized computer network that could withstand a nuclear war. The network was used and refined by universities throughout the 1970s and 1980s, but it wasn’t until 1992 that the Internet was made available to the general public.
Q – 3 Which of the following word processors came first?
Ans- WordStar.
Before the invention of word processing and spreadsheet software, personal computers had little value in the mainstream business world. WordStar was used before the days of function keys and the mouse. It, instead, used a set of Ctrl and Alt key combinations to navigate and edit text documents.
Q – 4 Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft?
Ans- Sabeer Bhatia.
Smith came up with the idea for anonymous web-based email in 1995, and worked with Sabeer Bhatia, his colleague at Apple, to found the company. The company launched on July 4, 1996 with Smith as its Chief Technology Officer. In December 1997 Bhatia sold Hotmail to Microsoft for a reported $400 million.
Q – 5 What does PPTP stand for?
Ans- Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.
It is a protocol used to create VPN connections over the net.
The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a method for implementing virtual private networks. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets.
Q – 6 What is the Websites code for the country Bulgaria?
Ans- BG.
Q – 7 What is TTL?
Ans- Time To Live.
Time To Live specifies how many more hops a packet can travel before being dropped.
Q – 8 The invention of the transistor, or semiconductor, was one of the most important developments leading to the personal computer revolution. What company invented the transistor in 1947?
Ans- Bell Laboratories.
The transistor, which essentially is a solid-state electronic switch, replaced the much less suitable vacuum tube. Because the transistor consumed significantly less power, a computer system built with transistors was much smaller, faster and more efficient than a computer system built with vacuum tubes.
Q – 9 Sometimes computers and cache registers in a foodmart are connected to a UPS system. What does UPS mean?
Ans- Uninterruptable Power Supply.
An uninterruptable power supply (UPS) is a backup power supply, such as a battery, that provides emergency power in the event that power is lost from the main supply.
Q – 10 In the UK, what type of installation requires a fireman’s switch?
Ans- Neon Lighting.
Neon lighting runs at a high voltage, typically above 1000 Volts. A fireman’s switch protects a fireman from receiving a shock when a water jet is sprayed onto the installation. The switches are red, and mounted in a conspicuous position. (This is specified by IEE Regulations (Europe), SANS (South Africa), UK Electricity regulations and many Asian countries. I am unable to confirm other countries’ requirements, so feel free to let me know.)
Q – 11 What is a NIC?
Ans- Network Interface Card.
A NIC is a Network Interface Card. Usually a card that is plugged into a computer’s expansion slot.
Q – 12 The Central Processing Unit is an embedded chip that acts as the ‘brains’ of a computer. What Intel chip was used in the Altair (the first real personal computer)?
Ans- 8080.
The Intel 8080 was a jazzed-up calculator chip. It was included in microcomputer kits which were little more than demonstration tools and did little except blink lights. Besides the 8080 chip, the Altair included a power supply, a front panel with a large number of lights and 256 bytes (not kilobytes) of memory. The kit sold for {$395} and had to be assembled.
Q – 13 Define URL?
Ans- The address of a document or “page” on the World Wide Web.
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is an address for a specific document found on the Web.
Q – 14 What does SSL stand for?
Ans- Secure Socket Layer.
A protocol developed by Netscape to allow secure connections over the net.
Q – 15 What does ECP stand for?
Ans- Extended Capabilities Port.
An Extended Capabilities Port is about 10 times faster than the old standard one, but it is used the same way a regular parallel port is.
Q – 16 Which Intel chip was the first to support a 32-bit bus architecture?
Ans- 386DX.
The 386 chip was the first to offer a possible 32- or 64-bit access to data. OS-2 2.x or higher and Windows 95 required at least a 386 CPU while Windows NT 4.x required at least a 486 CPU to run.
Q – 17 What is the Websites code for the country New Zealand?
Ans- NZ.
Q – 18 A program that neither replicates or copies itself, but does damage or compromises the security of the computer. Which ‘Computer Virus’ it is?
Ans- Trojan.
Typically it relies on someone emailing it to you, it does not email itself, it may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort.
Q – 19 This virus activated every Friday the 13th, affects both .EXE and .COM files and deletes any programs run on that day. What is the name of that virus?
Ans- Jerusalem.
This was one of the most common viruses unleashed in 1988.
Q – 20 Which is documented hoax virus?
Ans- McDonalds screensaver.
A virus hoax is usually an email that gets mailed in chain letter fashion describing some devastating highly unlikely type of virus, you can usually spot a hoax because there’s no file attachment, no reference to a third party who can validate the claim and the general ‘tone’ of the message.
Q – 21 What is FMD?
Ans- Fluorescent Multi-Layer Disc.
A new type of disc developed by Constellation 3D Inc. These discs can hold up to to 140 GB of data.
Q – 22 What does ICMP stand for?
Ans- Internet Control Message Protocol.
ICMP Packets are used to send control messages including errors.
Q – 23 What is RISC?
Ans- Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer – a type of microprocessor that relies on simple instructions which can be used to build more complicated ones.
Q – 24 The first graphical browser for the WWW was named?
Ans- Mosaic.
Q – 25 What is a MAC?
Ans- Media Access Control.
MAC is short for Media Access Control address, an address unique to every piece of network hardware.
Q – 26 What is the Websites code for the country United Kingdom?
Ans- UK.
Q – 27 What is the World Wide Web?
Ans- The part of the Internet that enables information-sharing via interconnected pages.
Q – 28 In 1983, which person was the first to offer a definition of the term ‘computer virus’?
Ans- Cohen.
1983 Fred Cohen, while working on his dissertation, formally defines a computer virus as ‘a computer program that can affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibly evolved)copy of itself.’
Q – 29 According to CNN, how much did Internet traffic increase between 1994 and 1996?
Ans- Twenty-five times.
The Internet is growing faster than you think!
Q – 30 What does DOCSIS stand for?
Ans- Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification.
DOCSIS was developed by CableLabs. A standard set for Cable equipment to ensure compatibility across all DOCSIS networks.
Q – 31 What is a GPU?
Ans- Graphics Processing Unit.
It is a chip dedicated to performing 3D calculations.
Q – 32 Which of the following is NOT a type of expansion slot or bus design used in Advanced-Technology class systems?
Ans- PROM.
PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory and is not a type of expansion slot or bus design. Today, PCI has become the most used expansion slot design in PCs. Older PCs incorporated both PCI and ISA slots for computability with older expanssion devices.
Q – 33 Which operating systems is produced by IBM?
Ans- OS-2.
IBM also created it’s own version of DOS called PC-DOS.nn
Q – 34 Which company created the most used networking software in the 1980’s?
Ans- Novell.
Novell (based in Provo, UT) created NetWare which is still one of the most used PC networking systems in the world.
Q – 35 Which computer virus that actively attacks an anti-virus program or programs in an effort to prevent detection?
Ans- Retrovirus.
Q – 36 On what date was the debut of the first IBM Personal Computer?
Ans- August 12, 1981.
Before IBM created its personal computer, two types of computer systems, Apple II and CP-M, dominated the microcomputer world. Neither of these systems were PC compatible, or Mac-compatible (the two primary standards in place today). The original IBM PC became a new standard in the microcomputer industry.
Since then, hundreds of millions of PC-compatible systems have been sold, as the original PC grew into a large family of computers and peripherals. More software has been written for this computer family than for any other system on the market.
Q – 37 What is not always necessary for accessing the Web?
Ans- A modem.
You need a browser, online access and a computer to surf the Web, but if you’re on a local area network (LAN) that’s connected to the Internet, you don’t need a modem to go online.
Q – 38 What is NAT?
Ans- Network Address Translation.
NAT is commonly used by nearly all comsumer routers today, both hardware and software.
Q – 39 What was the clock speed of the original IBM PC?
Ans- Less than 5 MHz.
The original IBM PC ran at a breathtaking 4.77 MHz (Smmmmmmokin!) Today there are new PC processors that run faster than 3 gigahertz.
Q – 40 What does the abbreviation “http” stand for?
Ans- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Q – 41 What is VCM?
Ans- Virtual Channel Memory.
VCM was designed by NEC Corp. It is supposed to be faster than normal SDRAM, and it is, but it never caught on.
Q – 42 What is LCP?
Ans- Link Control Protocol.
LCP is a part of PPP(Point-Point Protocol).
Q – 43 Which is the best search tool for finding Web sites that have been handpicked and recommended by someone else?
Ans- Subject directories.
Subject directories tend to house fewer-sometimes more relevant-sites than those found through search engines. Sites in a subject directory often have been handpicked by editorial teams or specialists in a particular field.
Q – 44 What is the Websites code for the country Colombia?
Ans- CO.
Q – 45 In what year did the Symantec Corporation first release Norton Antivirus?
Ans- 1990.
1990 Symantec launches Norton AntiVirus, one of the first anti-virus programs developed by a large company.
Q – 46 The IBM PC-XT was the first to include a hard drive. What was the capacity of this disk?
Ans- 10 MB.
The original IBM PC used 5.25-inch floppy disks to store its operating system and programs. IBM referred to the new hard disk as a Fixed Disk. Today, even a the operating system wont fit on a 10 MB disk.
Q – 47 The first web server was built in?
Ans- 1990 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Q – 48 What is the Websites code for the country Spain?
Ans- ES.
Q – 49 What is the Websites code for the country Mongolia?
Ans- MN.
Q – 50 Which of the following is not a part of the Internet?
Q – 51 Abbreviation URL stands for?
Ans- Uniform Resource Locator.
Q – 52 What is a spider?
Ans- A program that catalogs Web sites.
Spiders are also referred to as “bots” or “crawlers,” and constantly scan the Internet for new and updated Web sites.
Q – 53 What is main circuit board in a computer?
Ans- Mother board.
Q – 54 ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet, was developed by?
Ans- Department of Defence.
Q – 55 List the terminals of an FET?
Ans- Drain, Gate, Source.
Q – 56 What kind of data can you send by e-mail?
Ans- Audio, Video, Pictures.
Q – 57 In which decade was the telephone invented?
Ans- 1870s.
Alexander Graham Bell’s notebook entry of 10 March 1876 describes his successful experiment with the telephone. Speaking through the instrument to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, in the next room, Bell utters these famous first words, “Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you”.
Q – 58 In which decade was the Internet first implemented?
Ans- 1960s.
The first message ever sent over what is now called the Internet took place at 10:30PM on October 29, 1969. Back then, the Department of Defense called it ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network).
Q – 59 When discussing technology, a hot spot is?
Ans- A place served by public wireless access.
Q – 60 What would you use for immediate, real-time communication with a friend?
Ans- Instant Messenging.
Q – 61 In which decade was the telegraph invented?
Ans- 1840s.
On May 24, 1844, Samuel Morse send his famous message, “What hath God wrought?”
Q – 62 Another word for the CPU is?
Ans- Microprocessor.
Q – 63 In which decade were the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes invented?
Ans- 1900s.
In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the first practical electron tube called the ‘Fleming Valve’, which is a diode rectifier. In 1906, Lee de Forest invented the audion later called the triode, which provided signal amplification.
Q – 64 The “http” you type at the beginning of any site’s address stands for?
Ans- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text.
Q – 65 Lately you hear a clatter from your computer, especially when you load a program or call up information. What’s going on?
Ans- Your hard disk may be headed for failure
Q – 66 What is Internet Explorer?
Ans- Internet Explorer is a Web Browser.
Q – 67 ISP stands for?
Ans- Internet Service Provider.
Q – 68 HTML is used to?
Ans- Author webpages.
Q – 69 In IT ROM stands for?
Ans- Read Only Memory
Q – 70 The “home page” of a web site is?
Ans- The first page.
Q – 71 “www” stands for?
Ans- World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web (www, W3) is an information system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet. It has also commonly become known simply as the Web.
Q – 72 What is the another name for a computer chip?
Ans- Micro chip.
Q – 73 What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by Boolean logic?
Ans- AND, OR, NOT.
The three most commonly used Boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT. On the Web, Boolean operators are used in advanced searches to combine search items. For example, an “AND” operator between two words (“football AND television”) tells the search engine to find documents that contain both of these words.
Q – 74 AOL stands for?
Ans- America Online.
Q – 75 Which is not an internet protocol?
Ans- STP
Q – 76 What is a BJT?
Ans- Bi-polar Junction Transistor.
Q – 77 What is Google (
Ans- Google is a Search Engine.
Q – 78 How many terminals does a BJT have?
Ans- 3
Q – 79 Coating of dust on a computer’s main circuit boards has this probable consequence?
Ans- Overheating.
Q – 80 What are the 2 terminals of a diode called?
Ans- Anode and Cathode
Q – 81 A DV camcorder is?
Ans- Used to create digital video
Q – 82 In which decade was the first solid state integrated circuit demonstrated?
Ans- 1950s.
On September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby demonstrated the first working IC while working for Texas Instruments, although the U.S. patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce of Fairchild.
Q – 83 How can you catch a computer virus?
Ans- Opening e-mail attachments.
Q – 84 The main computer that stores the files that can be sent to computers that are networked together is?
Ans- File server
Q – 85 which of the following sites can you set up your email account?
Q – 86 Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer system and are often added later to the system?
Ans- Peripheral
Q – 87 In IT RAM stands for?
Ans- Random Access Memory.
Q – 88 Name the terminals of a BJT?
Ans- Emitter, Base, Collector.
Q – 89 What do you call a computer on a network that requests files from another computer?
Ans- A client.
Q – 90 Experts say the healthiest way to view a computer monitor is by?
Ans- Placing it 18 to 30 inches away from your eyes.


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