What is a Computer?What are the Characteristics of the Computer?


The  word  “computer”   comes  from  the  word  “compute”,   which  means,  “to  calculate”.   Hence,  people  usually consider  a computer  to be a calculating  device  that can perform  arithmetic  operations  at high speed . In fact, the original  objective  for  inventing  a computer  was to create  a fast calculating   machine.  However,  more than  80% of work  done  by computers  today  is of non-mathematical   or non-numerical   nature.  Nowadays, computer are an integral part of our lives. They are used for the reservation of tickets for airplanes and railways, payment of telephone and electricity bills, deposit and withdrawal of money from banks, processing of business data, forecasting of weather conditions, diagnosis of diseases, searching for information on Internet etc. Computers are also used extensively in schools, universities, organisations, music industry, movie industry, scientific research, law firms, fashion industry etc.
  1. A computer is a machine that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operations and presenting the results of those operations under the direction of detailed step by step instructions.
  2. A computer is an electronic machine, devised for performing calculations and controlling operations that can be expressed either in logical or numerical terms.


  1. Speed
The computer can process data very fast, at the rate of millions of instructions per second. Some calculations that would have been taken hours and days to complete otherwise, can  be completed in a few seconds using computer.
  1. Accuracy
Computers are very accurate. Accuracy  of a computer  is consistently   high and the degree  of its accuracy  depends  upon  its design.  A computer  performs  every calculation  with the same accuracy. However,   errors   can  occur   in  a  computer.   These   errors   are  mainly   due  to  human   rather   than technological   weaknesses.
  1. Reliability
Computer output is generally very reliable, subject to the condition that the input data entering the computer should be correct and the program of instructions should be reliable and correct.
  1. Storage capability
Computers can store large amount of data and can recall the required information almost instantaneously. The main memory of the computer is relatively small and it can hold only a certain amount of information, therefore, the data is stored on secondary storage devices such as magnetic tape , disks etc.
  1. Versatility
Computer is versatile in nature. It can perform different types of tasks with the same ease. As one moment, you can use the computer to prepare a letter document and in the next moment you can play music or movies or print document.
  1. Diligence
When used for a long period of time, the computer does not get tires or fatigued. It can perform long and complex calculation with the same speed and accuracy from the start till the end.
  1. Resource sharing
Apart from device sharing, data and information can also be shared among groups of computers, thus creating a large information and knowledge base.
  1. Reduced cost
With ever increasing advances being made in the state of the art, the cost of computer equipment has dropped drastically over the years. Hardware costs have been decreasing at an estimated annual rate of 25%. Thus companies that at one time could not justify the cost of acquiring their own computer system may now find it not only feasible to acquire a system but cost effective as well.
  1. Power of Remembering
As a human being acquires new  knowledge,   his/her  brain  subconsciously selects  what  it feels to be important  and worth  retaining  in memory.  The brain relegates  unimportant details  to back of mind or just  forgets  them. This is not the case with computers.  A computer  can store and recall  any amount  of information  because  of its secondary  storage  (a type of detachable  memory) capability.   It can  retain  a piece  of  information   as  long  as a user  desires  and  the  user  can  recall  the information    whenever    required.
  1. No I.Q.
Its I. Q. is zero, at least until today.  It has to be told what to do and  in what  sequence.  Hence, only a user determines what tasks a computer  will perform.  A computer cannot  take its own decision  in this regard
  1. No Feelings
Computers  are devoid  of emotions.  They have no feelings and no instincts  because  they are  machines.   Although men  have  succeeded   in building  a memory  for  computer,   but  no computer possesses   the  equivalent   of  a human  heart  and  soul.


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