FCI Exam Information

FCI Exam Information
Food Corporation of India was set up on 14 January 1965 having
its first District Office at Thanjavur - rice bowl of Tamil Nadu - and
headquarters at Chennai under the Food Corporations Act 1964 to implement the
following objectives of the National Food Policy:
- Effective price support operations
for safeguarding the interests of the farmers
- Distribution of food grains
throughout the country for Public Distribution System
- Maintaining satisfactory level of
operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food
The Staff Selection Commission, under a special dispensation
given by the Government of India, will hold an open competitive examination for
recruitment to Category III posts (General, Accounts, and Depot and Technical
cadres) in Food Corporation of India.
FCI Exam Eligibility
Limit: Maximum age limit as on 01st August, 2012 is 27 years.
(General): Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized
university with proficiency in use of computers.
(Accounts): Bachelor of Commerce from a recognized university with
proficiency in use of computers.
(Technical): B.Sc in Agriculture from a recognized
university; or B.Sc with any of the following subjects from a recognized
university Botany/Zoology/Bio-Technology/Bio-Chemistry/Microbiology/Food
Science; or B.Tech/B.E. in Food Science/Food Science and
Technology/Agricultural Engineering/Bio-Technology from a recognized
university/an institution approved by AICTE Proficiency in use of Computers.
(Depot): Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized
university with proficiency in use of computers.
FCI Exam Syllabus
Intelligence: It
includes Questions of verbal and non-verbal type. This include questions on
Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Figural Series,
Space Visualization, Spatial Orientation, Problem Solving, Decision Making,
Similarities and Differences, Analysis, Visual memory, Observation,
Discrimination, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, figure
classification, Arithmetic number series, non verbal series, coding and
decoding, statement and conclusions etc.
Awareness: It includes the Questions
related to test the knowledge of current affairs and other matters that are
happening in environment. It basically aims at testing the candidate's general
awareness of the surroundings and environment. This also includes Questions
relating to History, Economics, Geography, Politics, Scientific Research and
Aptitude: This includes the Questions
which is used to check the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number
sense. This includes Number System, Decimals, Fractions, Ratio and Proportion,
Percentage, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Averages, Square roots,
Profit and Loss, Discount, Speed Time and Distance, Time and Work, Algebra.
Language: This includes the writing
ability, Basic Comprehension to test the Candidate understanding in English.
Methods: This includes the Questions
which is designed in such a way to check number sense. This will include the
topics like Number System, Ratio and Proportion, Square Roots, Interests,
Relationships, Geometry, Time and Work, Percentage, Graphs of linear equations,
Trigonometric Ratio, Degree and Radian Measure, Height and Decisions, Bar
Chart, Histogram and Pie Chart.
Language: This includes Questions which
is used to test the understanding and knowledge of Candidate in English. It
basically includes the topic like Blanks, Antonyms, Synonyms, Spelling
Detection, Idioms And Phrases, Active and passive voice, Narration, Shuffling
of Sentences, Comprehension Passage Questions and One word Substitution etc.
This Paper is of Degree level which consists of Questions in
Biochemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Bio-technology and Agriculture
FCI Exam Pattern
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
Duration & Timing
General Intelligence
10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon (2 hours)
10.00 AM to 12.40 PM for VH candidates |
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Language
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
Duration & Timing
Quantitative Methods
2.00 PM to 4.00 PM (2 hours)
2.00 PM to 4.40 PM (2 hours) |
English Language &
(For Technical Cadre) (Objective Type)
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
Duration & Timing
Biological Sciences
10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon (2 hrs)
10.00 AM to 12.40 PM for VH Candidates. |
Apply for FCI Exam
Application can be made in online. Online applications may be
filed at http://ssconline.nic.in and http://ssconline2.gov.in
- In Part I registration, candidate
have to fill basic information. On submission, candidate will be prompted
to check the details and make any correction in the application. After
rechecking the form, the candidate may press? I agree button after
declaration. Thereafter no correction/modification would be allowed.
- On submission of the Part I
registration form, a page with Registration No. would be generated. Either
note down the registration number or take out the print out of the page.
The registration number would be required in future, including during the
Part II registration. The application procedure is incomplete without part
II registration.
- Part II registration requires
filling of payment details, uploading of photograph and scanned signature.
Candidates may note that the Registration number given by the Commission
and Transaction ID of the Bank should be properly entered in the relevant
space, failing which it will not be possible to link the payment with Part
I registration.
- Candidates who have to pay
application fee can pay fee only through State Bank of India either in the
form of challan or through net banking.
- To pay fee in cash, candidate can
take printout of challan generated online after completion of part I
registration. Deposit the requisite fee in any branch of State Bank of
India and then continue with the Part II registration.
- Those who want to pay fee through
net banking, can go directly to part II registration after completion of
part I. Candidate will have to supply registration number and date of
birth to continue to Part II registration. Online payment option is
available for registration through http://.ssconline.nic.in or
- Those who are exempted from
payment of fee can skip steps 4 to 6.
- After that upload scanned copy of
a recent photograph in 8 bit JPG format. The digital size of the file must
be of resolution 100 pixel widths by 120 pixels height.
- Next, upload your scanned
signature in 8 bit JPG format. The digital size of the file must be of
resolution 140 pixel widths by 60 pixels height.
- On-line application will be
complete only if scanned signature and photo are uploaded as per
instructions. On completion of Part II registration candidate will receive
a confirmation e-mail on the e-mail id provided by them. Candidates in
their own interest are advised to furnish their mobile numbers and e-mail