GAIL Exam Information

GAIL Exam Information

GAIL (India) Limited is the largest state-owned natural gas processing and distribution company headquartered in New Delhi, India. It has six segments: Transmission services of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas trading, petrochemicals, LPG and Liquid hydrocarbons, GAILTEL and Others.

The company was previously known as Gas Authority of India Ltd. It is India's principal gas transmission and marketing company. It was set up by the Government of India in August 1984 to create gas sector infrastructure.

Executive Posts (Group A)

Name of Post
Total Vacancies
Senior Engineer (Mechanical)
05 (UR-04, OBC-01)
Senior Engineer (Electrical)
05 (UR-02, OBC-03)
Senior Engineer (Instrumentation)
05 (UR-02, UR-01, OBC-02)
Senior Engineer (Chemical)
15 (UR-08, SC-02, SC-02, OBC-03)

Non-Executive Posts (Group C)

Name of Post
Total Vacancies
Foreman (Mechanical)
09 (UR-05, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01)
Foreman (Electrical)
07 (UR-05, OBC-01, ST-01)
Foreman (Instrumentation)
07 (UR-02, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-02)
Foreman (Chemical)
32 (UR-18, SC-05, ST-03, OBC-06)

Scale of Pay:

Executive Posts: E-2 Rs.24900 - 50500/-.
Non-Executive Posts: S-5 Rs.14500 - 36000/-.

GAIL Exam Eligibility

Age Limit (as on 04/06/2014): Foreman- 32 Years; Senior Engineer - 30 Years.

Age Relaxation - 05 Years for SC/ST; 03 Years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer); 05 Years for PWD-General; 08 Years for PWD-OBC (NCL); 10 Years for PWD-SC/ST.

Educational Qualifications:

Senior Engineer - Bachelor Degree in Engineering in required Discipline. Minimum 01 year post qualification executive experience.

Foreman - Diploma in Engineering in required Discipline. Candidate should have minimum 2 years of post qualification experience.

GAIL Exam Syllabus

The syllabus for GAIL exam is
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Instrumentation
  • Chemical

GAIL Exam Pattern

Selection Process will involve Group Discussions and/ or interview before the Selection Committee.

Apply for GAIL Exam

CANDIDATES WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPLY ONLINE THROUGH GAIL or No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted. Website will be opened from 11:00 hrs on 16/05/2014 to 18:00 hrs on 04/06/2014.

After applying online, candidate is required to download the Application Form generated by the system with unique registration number, space for photograph and signature and other details. The candidate has to send one print out of the Application Form duly signed and affixing latest passport size colour photograph along with required demand draft (wherever applicable) and attested true copies of the following testimonials/ documents:
  • Document in support of Date of Birth proof.
  • Caste/ Tribe certificate [for SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL) candidates as applicable] in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority as prescribed by Government of India, Disability certificate [in case of PWD candidates] in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority and Ex-servicemen Proof (in case of Ex-servicemen candidates). OBC (Non Creamy Layer) category candidates are required to submit latest caste certificate.
  • All Certificates/ Testimonials in respect of qualifications (all semester/ year wise Mark Sheet, Degree and Diploma certificates starting from matriculation onwards).
  • Complete and proper Experience certificates/ Documents issued by the Employer in support of experience details mentioned by the candidate in the online Application Form.
  • NOC/ Forwarding Letter from the employer in case the candidate employed in Central/ State Government Department, Central/ State PSUs or Semi Government organization.
  • Candidates should ensure that they submit all the documents mentioned above. In the event of failure of candidate to submit any of the required documents as mentioned above within the stipulated period, candidature of such candidate shall be liable to be rejected.
A recent passport size colour photograph should be firmly pasted on the print out of the online application form and should be signed across by the candidate.Without photograph and signature across it, the online application form will be liable to be rejected. Three copies of the same photo should be retained for use at the time of interview. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of interview, may lead to disqualification.

Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement. GAIL would be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which he/ she has applied. The application fee paid by ineligible candidates shall be forfeited. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

Print out of the Online Application Form duly signed and affixing latest passport size colour photograph along with required Demand Draft (if applicable) and attested true copies of the testimonials/ documents mentioned above should be sent by Ordinary post in a sealed envelope super scribed APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF "__" [POST, REGN. NO. and CATEGORY: SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/ PWD as the case may be] to the following address :

Sr. Manager (HRD),
GAIL (India) Limited, GAIL Bhawan,
16, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
R K Puram, New Delhi,
PIN-110 066.

The application and other details as mentioned above must reach the above address by 19/06/2014. GAIL will not be responsible for postal delay or loss/ non-delivery thereof. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. GAIL will also not take responsibility to connect any certificate/ remittance sent separately.

General and OBC (NCL) candidates should have their Demand Draft ready while applying online, as the DD details would also be required to be entered in the online application. Without the DD details, on line application will not be registered.


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