HTML Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Choosing Editors and IDEs for Freshers

1. Which of the following is not an IDE

a) BlueGriffon 1.5.2
b) Aptana studio 3
c) TextEdit(Mac)
d) Dreamweaver
Answer: c

Explanation: TextEdit is a highly versatile word processor included with OS X.
2. IDE stands for

a) Internet Development Environment
b) Integrated Development Environment
c) Intelligent Development Environment
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.
3. We can define ________ number of sites with one copy of dreamweaver installed on our computer.

a) 990
b) 10
c) only 1
d) unlimited
Answer: d

Explanation: Dreamweaver is an IDE to build custom web apps and applications. There is no definite liit to it.
4. What should we add to a template in Dreamweaver in order to control where page content goes?

a) Editable Regions
b) HTML controllers
c) Frames
d) Content Controllers
Answer: a

Explanation: Editable template regions control which areas of a template-based page a user can edit.
5. Blue Griffon is based on ________ rendering engine

a) WebKit
b) Gecko
c) Presto
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it’s a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
6. Swapping images in dreamweaver is best if

a) The images are the same “Mime” type
b) The images are the same color
c) The images are the same size
d) You use the “Constrain” tool
Answer: c

Explanation: It helps the transition when compressing the image.
7. Choose the inappropriate option with respect to Blue Griffon 1.5.2. Blue Griffon

a) includes tools for developing HTML5 pages
b) abstracts out many css3 effects
c) supports direct embedding of audio and video files
d) supports swapping of videos of any length
Answer: d

Explanation: This feature is not provide by the editor.
8. State true or false. Maqetta is an open source initiative of the Dojo Foundation to geared towards visual designers through a WYSIWYG user interface.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: Maqetta is an open source initiative of the Dojo Foundation to build an HTML5-based editor geared towards visual designers through a WYSIWYG user interface.
9. Choose the correct statement.

a) Exo is a cloud-based ide that offers collaboration and deployment features
b) Exo does not support java and python
c) Exo supports javascript and html5
d) Both a and c
Answer: d

Explanation: Exo provides a free, cloud-based IDE that offers collaboration and deployment features. In addition to HTML5 and JavaScript, it supports the development of Java, Ruby, and Python applications.
10. Which of following statement is true?

i. Cloud9 has gained particular interest for its integration with GitHub and Bit Bucket authentication integration and real-time collaboration.
ii. Cloud9 does not account for SSH and FTP access.

a) ii
b) i
c) i and ii
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Cloud9 allows for SSH and FTP access and capabilities to work offline.


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