Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam Overview

Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam Overview

The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the armed forces of India. The President of India serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually a four-star officer in the rank of Admiral, commands the Navy.

Though the primary objective of the navy is to secure national maritime borders, India also uses its navy to enhance its international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions, including disaster relief. In recent years, the Indian Navy has undergone considerable modernisation to replace aging equipment currently in service, this is often seen as part of "India's drive" to become a fully fledged blue-water navy.

The Indian Navy is a high technology service, which operates and maintains highly sophisticated ships, submarines and aircraft.

The propulsion machinery, weapons, sensors and equipment are on board. These weapon platforms are operated and maintained by sailors, who are given training at various intervals during their service.

In Indian Navy there are four types of recruitment process for the entry of sailors - Artificer Apprentice exam, Artificer [DE (DH)] exam, MER (Matric Entry Recruit) and NMER (Non-Matric Entry Recruit).

Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam Eligibility

The eligibility for Indian Navy Artificer Apprentices Exam is
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Age: 15 to 18 years as on the mentioned date in the year of examination.
  • Educational Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent with Science and Maths with 65% marks or 60% or more aggregate marks in 10+ 2 or equivalent examination with Science and Maths.

Physical Standards:

Minimum Height:
157 cms (relaxable up to 152 cms) with correlated weight and proportionate chest with minimum expansion of 5 cms. Good mental and physical health, free from any disease / disability. No Cardiovascular, surgical deformities or infection of ears. No history of fits or psychiatric ailment.

Eye Sight: Without glasses 6/12 (6/24 for Diploma Holders) and with glasses one eye 6/9 and other 6/12. Colour Perception: CP II.

Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam Syllabus

  • Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body / Gravitation.
  • Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat Thermodynamics, oscillations, waves, electrostatics, current electricity.
  • Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetic waves.
  • Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus / Solid and Semi-Conductor Devices, Principles of Communication.
  • Metals and Non Metals, Organic Chemistry, Food, Nutrition and Health, Physiology and Human Diseases, Computer Science.
  • Relations and Functions, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry
  • Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight Lines Family of Straight lines, circles.
  • Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Vectors, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Sets and Set Theory, Statistics.
  • Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry, Probability Function, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivatives.
  • Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Determinants, Definite Integrals.

  • Passage, Preposition, Correction of sentences, Change active to passive/passive to active voice.
  • Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct, Verbs/Tense/Non Finites, Punctuation.
  • Substituting phrasal verbs for expression, Synonyms and Antonyms, meanings of difficult words.
  • Use of adjective, Compound preposition, Determiners (use of a, the, any etc), Use of pronouns.

  • Culture and Religion, Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, And Freedom Movement.
  • Sports: championships /Winners / Terms /No of Players, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, current affairs.
  • Important National Facts about India, Heritage and Arts, Dance, History, Languages, Capitals and Currencies.
  • National: Bird /Animal / Sport /Flower / Anthem /Song / Flag /Monuments, Eminent personalities.
  • Common Names, Full forms and Abbreviations, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Award and Authors.

Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam Pattern

·  The written examination question paper will be given in two languages in Hindi & English and of Objective type.
·  The question paper has 4 sections i.e., English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
·  The standard of question paper will be in 10+2 pattern and the syllabus for this exam is available on
·  The period of Examination will be conducted in one hour. Candidates must qualify in all sections.

Apply for Indian Navy - Artificer Apprentices Exam

Eligible Candidates may apply Online for recruitment through Nausena Bharti website. After applying online take print out of the system generated application format and send it to the address

NEW DELHI -110003.

Further information visit:


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