Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam Information

Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam Information

The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the armed forces of India. The President of India serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually a four-star officer in the rank of Admiral, commands the Navy.

Through the primary objective of the navy is to secure national maritime borders, India also uses its navy to enhance its international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions, including disaster relief. In recent years, the Indian Navy has undergone considerable modernization to replace aging equipment currently in service, this is often seen as part of "India's drive" to become a fully fledged blue-water navy.

The Indian Navy is a high technology service, which operates and maintains highly sophisticated ships, submarines and aircraft. These are operated and maintained by engineers, who are given training at various intervals during their service.

Every year twice Indian Navy direct exams are conducted for eligible candidates for various positions in Indian Navy.

Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam Eligibility


Born between(both dates incluvise)
19-25 Yrs
02 Jan 1990 - 01 Jul 1995
21-25 Yrs
02 Jan 1990 - 01 Jan 1994
19-25 Yrs
02 Jan 1990 - 01 Jul 1995

Educational Qualifications: Candidates with following educational qualification may apply:-

Education Qualification
Logistics/Works(only for male candidates)
For PC(Logistics Cadre):-
  1. B COM/M COM
  2. BA/MA (Economics)
  3. BBA /MBA
  4. BBM/BMS
  5. BCA/MCA
  6. BSc (IT)/MSc (IT) 60%
  7. B.Tech/BE(any discipline)
  8. Graduate Degree with Post Graduate Diploma/Degree in Materials Management
  9. ICWA
  10. Chartered Accountancy
For Works
  1. BE/B Tech Civil Engineering
  2. B Architecture
Education (for male & female candidates)
  1. MSc Physics (with Maths in BSc)
  2. MSc Maths (with Physics in BSc)
  3. MSc Chemistry
  4. MA (English or History)
  5. MCA (Physics or Maths at Graduation Level)
ATC(for male & female candidates)
  1. BSc in Physics/Maths or Electronics
  2. MSc in Physics/Maths or Electronics

Note:- Candidates who have not completed their Degree on the date of filling the application (i.e. appearing candidates) need not apply.

Physical Standards

Vision Standards
Height in Cms
6/60, 6/60 correctable to 6/6,6/12 with glass(should not be colour/night blind)
Male-157 Cms with correlated weight
6/60, 6/60 correctable to 6/6,6/12 with glass(should not be colour/night blind)
Male-157 Cms, Female-152 Cms with correlated weight
6/9, 6/9 correctable to 6/6,6/6 with glass(should not be colour/night blind)
Male-157 Cms, Female-152 Cms with correlated weight

Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam Syllabus

The Written Test will have four sections
  • English
  • Science
  • Maths
  • GK

Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam Pattern

Written test:
On 4 subjects: I. English II. Science III. Maths and IV. GK.
Duration: 1 hour
Question type: Bilingual and objective type
Physical test:
  • One Mile (1.6 km) run to be completed in 7 minutes
  • 20 sit ups
  • 10 push ups
SPORTSMEN: Need to participate in sports trial apart from written and Physical test
Interview: For candidates selected in written and Physical tests

Apply for Indian Navy - Direct Entry Exam

Candidate can submit only Online (e-application) for this entry.
Online (e-application). Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:-

  1. Correct filling up of personal particulars. Details are to be filled up as given in the Matriculation Certificate.
  2. Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled.
  3. Candidates are required to upload recent passport size digital photograph of size less than 25 kb (.jpeg or .jpg format).
Procedure for Submitting e-application

Candidate can submit e-application by visiting our website and proceed as follows:-

  1. Click in the Officer Entry button under the option ‘Apply Online’ on the Home Page.
  2. Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field.
  3. After filling the form click on Preview and check if all the information entered by you are correct.
  4. Before clicking the Print Application button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form are correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record. Candidates can take the print of the application form by entering the relevant details.
  5. Before clicking the instruction for SSB Button, it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form are correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record. Candidates can read the instructions on conduct of SSB by clicking on the instruction for SSB Button and take the print of the application form by entering the details from the download sections under officer entry.
  6. Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Application Number. One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan PO, New Delhi - 110 011 along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, photo copies of 10th & 12 h class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semesters/years attested by gazetted officer.
Note:-Application is to be posted through normal post. Application sent by Speed Post/ Registered Post/Courier/e-mail will not be accepted.

  1. Final receipt of the printout of the Online Application Form with system generated Application Number and all documents as mentioned in option (5) above (if received by 14 May 2014) will be the final CONFIRMATION of receipt of your Application at IHQ MoD (Navy). Hence, only filling the application Online/generation of Application Number does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the criteria given in the advertisement.
  2. Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, if found INELIGIBLE at any point of time.


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