TNPSC Group 2 Exam Information
TNPSC Group 2 Exam
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission was originally known as
Madras Public Service Commission which came into being because of the
discretionary powers allocated to the provincial government to recruit & exercise
control on their services. Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission had thereby
introduced its own exam system for recruiting people.
TNPSC announces various openings and invites applications. Based
on the performance in the exam, candidates are shortlisted and further
examination takes place for final selection. TNPSC announces the exam every six
months. The commission to conduct examinations for direct recruitment to the
services of the state. The selection process consists of both written examination
and oral test.
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - TNPSC conducts Group 2
(Combined Engineering Service Examination) Examination for the recruitment of
various vacancies in Tamil Nadu State Government Departments.
will be made in two successive stages,
- Written Examination in OMR Format
- Oral Test.
of the post:
- Assistant Engineer (Civil),Water
Resources Department(Vacancies-50)
- Assistant Engineer
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical)(Vacancies-9)
- Assistant Director of Industrial
Safety and Health (Formerly named as Assistant Inspector of Factories)(Vacancies-18)
of Pay
Rs.9300-34800+Grade pay Rs.5100/-p.m.
TNPSC Group 2 Exam
of Candidates
Age(should have completed)
SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs,
BCMs and Destitute Widows of all Castes.
18 Years
No Age Limit
Others [i.e. candidates not
belonging to SCs,SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs].
18 Years
30 Years (should not have
"Others"[i.e Candidates not belonging to SCs, SC (A)s,
STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs, BCMs] who have put in five years of service in the
State/Central Government are not eligible even if they are within the age
Candidates should possess the following or its equivalent
qualification awarded by an University or Institution recognised by the
University Grants Commission for the purpose of its grant or Board recognized
by the Government of India or by any State Government:
of the post
Engineer (Civil) in Water Resources Department,PWD
B.E degree in Civil Engineering or
Civil and Structural Engineering OR A pass in Sections A and B of the
Institution Examinations under Civil Engineering branch, subject to the
following further conditions namely:- I. Should furnish evidence of having undergone
practical training in surveying for a period of not less than one year. or
II. Should have put in service for a period of not less than one year in
Public Works Department as Overseer or Junior Engineer. or III. Should hold
the Upper Subordinate or L.C.E Diploma of the College of Engineering, Guindy
or L.C.E. Diploma awarded by the State Board of Technical Education and
Training, Chennai.
Engineer (Civil) in Buildings, PWD
Engineer (Electrical) in PWD
A degree in Electrical Engineering
or Electronics and Communication Engineering OR A pass in Sections A and B of
the Institution Examination with Electrical Engineering as a subject.
Director of Industrial Safety and Health(Formerly named as Assistant Inspector of Factories)
A Degree in Mechanical or
Production or Industrial or Electrical or Chemical Engineering or Textile
TNPSC Group 2 Exam
For Civil Engineering
- Construction Materials.
- Construction Practice.
- Engineering.
- Estimating & Costing.
- Strength of Materials.
- Theory of Structures.
- Soil Mechanics.
- Foundation Engineering.
- Water Supply & Treatment.
- Sewage Treatment & Pollution
- Concrete Technology.
- Design of r.c. Elements.
- Miscellaneous Structures.
- Water Resources.
- Irrigation Engineering.
- traffic engineering.
- Highway Engineering.
- Railways Airports & Harbours.
For Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
- Fundamentals of Electrical
- Electrical.
- Control Systems.
- Generation Transmission &
- Protection & Switch Gears.
- Digital Techniques.
- Network Analysis.
- Electrical Measurements.
- Electronic Measurements.
- Measurement Science.
- Mechanical Measurements.
- Industrial Instruments.
- Analytical.
- Process Control.
- Bio Medical Instruments.
- Telemetry.
- Micro Processors & Micro.
- Logic & Distributed Control.
For Mechanical & Production Engineering
- Applied Mechanics.
- Engineering Thermodynamics.
- Internal Combustion Engines.
- Gas Dynamics & Jet Propulsion.
- Refrigeration & Air
- Fluid Mechanics.
- Turbomachinery.
- Heat & Mass Transfer.
- Power Plant Engineering.
- Instrumentation & Control.
- Strength of Materials.
- Theory of Machines-I.
- Theory of Machines-II.
- Design of Machine Elements.
- Design of Transmission Elements.
- Production Processes.
- Machining Processes.
- Metrology & Quality Control.
- Industrial Engineering.
- Industrial Management.
For Textile Engineering
- Fibre Production.
- Fibre Composites.
- Spinning Preparatory Processes.
- Conventional Yarn.
- New Methods of Yarn Spinning.
- Preparatory Processes For Fabric Formation.
- Weaving Machines.
- Knitting Machines.
- Chemical Processing.
- Quality Assessment.
- Structural Mechanics of Yarn.
- Structural Mechanics of Fabrics.
- Textile Machine Design.
- Machining Operations.
- Pneumatics.
- Work study.
- Production Planning.
- Machinery Maintenance.
- Selection of Motors.
- Environmental Conditions in
Textile Mills.
For Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electronic Devices Circuits &
- Devices & Circuits.
- Amplifiers & Oscillators.
- Rectifiers & Power Supplies.
- Multivibrators & a Veshaping.
- Linear & Digital Integrated
- Digital Circuits.
- Microprocessors.
- Computer Systems.
- Measurements &
- Microwave devices & Circuits.
- Communication Engineering.
- AM/FM Transmitters & Receivers.
- Transmissionlines, Antennas &
Wave Probagation.
- Analog & Digital Signal
- Television.
- Radar Systems.
- Satellite Communication.
- Communication Systems .
- Fibre Optic Communication.
- Information Theory & Coding.
- Telephony, Communication Switching
& Acoustics.
For Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Process Calculation &
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
- Momentum, Heat & Mass Transfer
- Mechanical Operations &
Renewable Energy Sources.
- Engineering Materials & Safety
in Chemical Industries.
- Chemical Technology.
- Instrumentation & Process
- Design & Optimization &
Environmental Engineering.
- Multi-Phase Mass Transfer
- Chemical Reaction Engineering.
- Numerical Methods &
Computational Techniques.
- Physics.
- Chemistry.
- Botany.
- Zoology.
- Current Events.
- History.
- Geography.
- Economics.
- Science.
- History & Culture of India.
- Indian Polity.
- Indian Economy.
- Indian National Movement.
TNPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern
Maximum Marks
Minimum Qualifying Marks for
selection(SCs, SC(A)s,STs, MBCs/ DCs, BCs and BCMs)
Minimum Qualifying Marks for
Any one of the following subjects
in which the candidate has acquired his/her educational qualification (Degree
Standard-200 questions each) (Objective Type)
Paper-II General Studies (Objective
Apply for TNPSC Group 2
Candidates should apply only through online in the Commissions
Website or in
Before applying, the candidates should have scanned image of
their photograph and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience.
A valid e-mail ID or Mobile Number is mandatory for registration
and e-mail ID should be kept active till the declaration of results. Candidates
are cautioned to keep your e-mail ID and password confidentially. TNPSC will
send Hall Tickets (Memorandum of Admission) for Written Examination, Interview
Call Letters, Other Memos etc. to the registered/given e-mail ID only.
All the particulars mentioned in the online application
including Name of the Candidate, Post Applied, Communal Category, Date of
birth, Address, e-mail ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as
final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for
applying online. Since certain fields are firm and fixed and cannot be edited,
candidates are requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost
care and caution as no correspondence regarding change of details will be
The candidates who wish to receive SMS should register their
mobile number in the application.
- Candidates are first required to
log on to the TNPSC’s website or
- Click "Apply Online" to
open up the On-Line Application Form.
- Select the name of the post or
service for which you wish to apply.
- If you already have Unique ID,
enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information
and update them, if necessary.
- If you do not have valid ID, enter
all the required particulars without skipping any field.
- Candidates are required to upload
their latest photograph and signature as per the specifications given in
the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature.
Candidate who have One Time Registration ID (Unique ID) and pass
word, have to apply separately for all notifications. One Time Registration
will not be considered as an application for any post.
Mode of Fee Payment
Select the mode of payment (Online Payment/Offline Payment).
Payment (Net Banking, Credit card/Debit card)
- In case candidates who wish to pay
fees through the online payment gateway, i.e. Net banking, Credit card and
Debit card payment, an additional page of the application form will be
displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the
requisite details to make payment.
- After submitting your payment
information in the online application form, wait for the intimation from
the server, DO NOT press Back or Refresh button in order to avoid double
- If the online transaction has been
successfully completed, a registration ID number and password will be
generated. Candidates should note their registration ID number and
password for future reference in respect of the post applied for.
Payments (Post Office or Indian Bank)
- For offline mode of payment,
candidates have to select either Post Office or Indian Bank branch.
- Click "SUBMIT" to submit
the application form.
- Candidates will be provided with
application number and password. Please note down the application number
and password.
- On submission, system will generate
the payment chalan which the candidate need to take print out and go to
the nearest branch of Indian Bank or the designated Post Offices as the
case may be, to make the payment.
- Collect the candidates copy of the
fee payment chalan from the branch. Check that the chalan is properly
signed and the details of transaction number, branch name and DP code
number, deposit date have been noted in the chalan by the branch
- On-line application registration
will be taken as successful one, only if the payment is made either in the
post office or in the Indian Bank within two working days from the date of
registration/submission of application.
- After submitting the application,
candidates can print / save their application in PDF format.
- On entering registration number
and password, candidates can download their application and print, if
- Need not send the printout of the
online application or any other supporting documents to the Commission.
The certificates will be verified only when the candidates come up for
next stage of selection.
Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line
much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing
the fee/ intimation charges to avoid the possibility of
disconnection/inability/failure to log on the TNPSC’s website on account of
heavy load on internet/website jam.
TNPSC does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not
being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the
aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the TNPSC.
Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail
ID or mobile number to any other person. In case a candidate does not have a
valid personal e-mail ID, they should create a new e-mail ID before applying
on-line and must maintain that e-mail account.
There is a provision to modify the submitted on-line
application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct
their details in the on-line application if any. This modification facility
will be available up to the last date for applying online forthe particular
post. After this date, no modification will be permitted. Candidates should
take utmost care and caution while filling in the on-line application. Please
note that no modification in fee payment details will be permitted for
candidates who pay fees/intimation charges through the online mode. Since
certain fields are firm, fixed and cannot be edited, candidates are advised to
fill in the online application form with the utmost care and caution as no
correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the on-line
application at the appropriate places and click on the "SUBMIT"
button at the end of the on-line application format. Before pressing the
"SUBMIT" button, candidates are advised to verify each and every
particular column in the application. The name of the candidate or his/her
father/spouse etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears
in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the
Request for change/correction in any particulars in the
application form shall not be entertained under any circumstances after the
last date for editing/updating application details specified. TNPSC will not be
responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and
incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required
details in the application form.
Commission is not responsible for the online payment failure.