What is Domains ?DNS (Domain Name System)?

Servers or host computer are arranged according to geographical location. For instance all countries suffix, except the USA.  New Zealand suffix is nz, while Canada’s is ac. Typically host part of the URL looks like server name, organization name, type of organization and country name.For example the server www.cetz.ac.nz defines it as a host called www, belonging to an organization called cet, which is an academic institution located in New Zealand. Similarly the server www.computersprofessor.com  defines it as a host called www, belongings to an organization called simplynotes, which is commercial organization located in India.
DNS (Domain Name System)
The DNS is a distributed database that resides on multiple machines on the internet and used to convert between names and daddress and to provide e-mail routing information.DNS provides the protocol that allows the client and serves to communicate with each other.The domain name is a sequence of labels separated by dots (.)
Internet which means the internet within organization, is the result of applying internet technologies to your corporate network. That is instead of proprietary protocols and expensive gateway software, you use internet standards and web technologies to take your corporate network and communications above in the productivity scale.
Electronic  mail  service  (known  as e-mail  in short)  enables  an  Internet  user to  send  a mail  (message)  to another Internet  user  in any part  of  the  world  in a near-real-time   manner.  An  e-mail  message  takes  a few  seconds  to several   minutes to     reach   its  destination,   because   it  travels   from  one  network   to  another, until it reaches   its destination.
Functions of E-Mail
  1. Composition of messages
  2. Transfer of messages
  3. Reporting – What messages have been sent and what cannot be deliverd.
  4. Displaying
  5. Disposition – Delete received messages, save received messages in a folder and keep received messages in user’s mailbox.


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