CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Selectors for Freshers

1. p {line-height: 150%;}.What type of selector is used in this case?

a) class Selectors
b) element Selectors
c) id Selectors
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: These selectors are called element selectors and are simply used
as follows:
element-name { /* properties */ }
2. By applying an ___________ a style can be applied to just a single tag.

a) class rule
b) element rule
c) id rule
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: By applying an id rule, a style can be applied to just a single tag. For example, if we name a tag with a unique id attribute as follows
Affected Text</tag>
3. The _____________ attribute is used to define the name(s) of the class(es) to which a particular tag belongs.

a) class
b) element
c) id
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
4. p strong {background-color: yellow;}
What will happen in this case?

a) Strong have yellow background
b) Strong element within a p element have a yellow background
c) Both p and strong have yellow background
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: All occurrences of the strong element within a p element have a yellow background.
5. A similar rule called the ____________ is specified using the plus sign (+) and is used to select elements that would be siblings of each other.

a) class selectors
b) attribute selectors
c) adjacent-sibling selector
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
6. Which of the following selectors selects any tag with an id attribute set?
a) E#id
b) .class
c) #id
d) *

Answer: c

Explanation: Example:#test {color: green;}
/* makes a tag with id=’test’ green */
7.Which of the following selectors selects direct descendents?
a) E &gt; F
b) E F
c) E + F
d) E ~ F

Answer: a

Explanation: Example:
body > p {background-color: yellow;}
/* makes all p tags that have the
body tag as their immediate parent
have the background color yellow */
8. Which of the following selectors selects siblings?
a) E.class
b) E ~ F
c) *
d) E, F, G

Answer: b

Explanation: Example:
p ~ strong {font-style: italic;}
/* sets the font style to italic on
all strong tags that have a p tag
as a preceding sibling */
9. Which of the following selectors selects the specified elements of type E with a particular class value?
a) E.class
b) E ~ F
c) *
d) E, F, G

Answer: a

Explanation: Example:
h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
/* underlines all h1 tags with
class='note' */
10. Which of the following selectors selects adjacent siblings?
a) E &gt; F
b) E F
c) E + F
d) E ~ F

Answer: c

Explanation: Example:
h1 + p {color: red;}
/* makes all p tags that are
immediately preceded by an h1 tag
red */


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