CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Border Elements for Freshers

1. Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for the bottom border of an element?

a) border-bottom
b) border-bottom-color
c) border-bottom-all
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Syntax: border-bottom: border-width border-style border-color;
2. Which of the following property sets the width of an element’s bottom border?

a) border
b) border-collapse
c) border-bottom-width
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

Syntax: border-bottom-width: non-negative length | medium | thick | thin | inherit
3. Which of the following property defines whether table cell borders are connected or separate?

a) border-table
b) border
c) border-collapse
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

Syntax: border-collapse: collapse | separate | inherit
4. Which of the following property defines the style for the right border of an element?

a) border-spacing
b) border-spacing
c) border-right
d) border-right-style
Answer: c

Syntax: border-right-style: dashed | dotted | double
5. Which of the following property defines the color of an element’s top border?

a) border-color
b) border-top
c) border-top-color-webkit
d) border-top-color
Answer: d

Syntax: border-top-color: color | transparent | inherit
6. Which of the following property sets the width of an element’s complete border?

a) border-width
b) width
c) border-depth
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Syntax: border-width: width
7. Which of the following property defines the visual style of up to four different sides of a border?

a) border-style
b) border
c) border-top
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Syntax:
border-style: style
8. Which of the following defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for the top border of an element?

a) border-up
b) border-bottom
c) border-style
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d

Syntax: border-top: border-width border-style border-color;
9. Which of the following property defines the y (vertical) coordinate for a positioned element, relative to the bottom of the enclosing object or browser window?

a) border
b) bottom
c) position
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Syntax: bottom: length | percentage | auto | inherit
10. Which of the following property specifies the placement of an element in relation to floating objects?

a) clear
b) color
c) space
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Syntax: clear: both | left | none | right


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