CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Miscellaneous CSS Constructs for Freshers

1. Which of the following represents a comment?

a) /!– comments –!/
b) /! comments !/
c) /* comments */
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Comments can be placed within style sheets. Style sheets use the comment syntax used in C programming
2. A single _____________ rule can be used in an external sheet to define character set encoding of the style rules and values.

a) @media
b) @charset
c) @font-face
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
3. An ___________ rule can be used to define style rules for multiple media types in a single embedded style sheet

a) @media
b) @charset
c) @font-face
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
4. An ___________ rule is used to define a page block for printed styles.

a) @important
b) @page
c) @css
d) @html
Answer: b

Explanation: An @page rule is used to define a page block for printed styles. Generally, within this construct we see various CSS properties like size, page, and margin to control the dimensions of the page.
5. Which of the following construct specifies that a style takes precedence over any different, conflicting styles?
a) !important


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CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on CSS3 Transitions for UI Elements for Freshers

1. Which of the following selector is used to select and style when you place mouse over it? a) focusb) hoverc) moused) all of the mentioned Answer: b 2. Which of the following method increases o...

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