CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Precise Positioning of Elements for Freshers

1. Which of the following CSS Property controls how an element is positioned?

a) position
b) set
c) static
d) fix
Answer: a

Explanation: Controls how an element is positioned. When set to absolute or fixed, the element is removed completely from the normal flow of the document. When set to relative, the element is moved relative to its position in the normal flow, but a space is left where it would normally have been. The default value, static, means the element remains in the normal flow and is not positioned.
2. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the top offset of a positioned element?

a) top
b) up
c) reverse
d) fix
Answer: a
3. Which of the following CSS Property Specifies the left offset of a positioned element?

a) right
b) left
c) bottom
d) up
Answer: b
4. Which of the following CSS Property sets the stacking order of positioned elements?

a) x-index
b) y-index
c) z-index
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c
5. Which of the following CSS Property Defines the area of an absolutely positioned element that remains visible?

a) clamp
b) clip
c) visibility
d) static
Answer: b
6. Which of the following CSS Property specifies whether the labels for an element’s list items are positioned inside or outside the “box” defined by the listed item?

a) list-style
b) list-position
c) list-style-position
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c

Syntax: list-style-position: inside | outside
7. Which of the following CSS Property defines the x-coordinate of the background-position property?

a) background-position-x
b) background-position-y
c) background-x-axis
d) background-y-axis
Answer: a

Syntax: background-position-x: length | percentage | left | center | right
8. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the position of the mask?

a) mask
b) mask-position
c) mask-origin
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Syntax:
mask-position: xpos ypos.
9. Which of the following CSS Property specifies the x-coordinate in the position of the mask?

a) mask-x
b) mask-x-origin
c) mask-position-x
d) mask-origin-x
Answer: c


mask-position-x: length | percentage | left | center | right
10. Which of the following Microsoft-introduced property defines the position of underlining set by the text-decoration property?

a) text-underline
b) text-underline-origin
c) text-underline-position
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d


Java Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on MouseEvent, TextEvent & WindowEvent Class for Freshers

1. Which of these events is generated when the a window is closed? a) TextEventb) MouseEventc) FocusEventd) WindowEvent Answer: d Explanation: A WindowEvent is generated when a window is opened, ...

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1. Which of these events is generated when the size os an event is changed? a) ComponentEventb) ContainerEventc) FocusEventd) InputEvent Answer: a Explanation: A ComponentEvent is generated when ...

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1. Which of these events is generated when a button is pressed? a) ActionEventb) KeyEventc) WindowEventd) AdjustmentEvent Answer: a Explanation: Action event is generated when a button is pressed...

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