CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Cross-Browser Layout Techniques for Freshers

1. Which of the following property specifies the transparency of an element?

a) alpha
b) opacity
c) opac
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Syntax: opacity: alphavalue | inherit
2. Which of the following property defines the offset from an element’s border and its outline?

a) outline-border
b) outline-offset
c) outline-radius
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Syntax: outline-offset: length | inherit
3. Which of the following property allows a marquee to be used in the case of a text overflow?

a) overflow-style
b) overflow-text
c) overflow-marquee
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Syntax: overflow-style: auto | marquee-block
4. Which of the following property defines how content should behave when it exceeds the width of its enclosing element?

a) overflow-y
b) overflow-x
c) overflow-z
d) overflow-width
Answer: b

Syntax: overflow-x: auto | hidden
5. Which of the following property is used to give a 3-D sense of depth to an element?

a) animation
b) perspec
c) sense
d) perspective
Answer: d

Syntax: perspective: none
6. Which of the following property is used to define whether an element should be resized and, if so, upon what axis?

a) axis
b) resize
c) set-origin
d) set-axis
Answer: b

Syntax: resize: both | horizontal | none
7. Which of the following property defines the alignment of Ruby text as defined by a >
tag, in relation to base text defined by a > tag?
a) ruby-align
b) ruby-text
c) ruby
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Syntax: ruby-align: auto | center
8. Which of the following property sets the base color for a scroll bar, which will include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrows?

a) scrollbar-base
b) scrollbar-base-color
c) scrollbar-background
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

Syntax: scrollbar-base-color: color
9. Which of the following property defines a color for the face of a scroll bar, including arrow regions and the scroll box?

a) scrollbar-face
b) scrollbar-face-color
c) scrollbar-face-background
d) scrollbar-background
Answer: c

Syntax: scrollbar-face-color: color
10. Which of the following property defines a highlight color for a scroll bar and scroll arrows?

a) scrollbar-color
b) scrollbar-highlight
c) scrollbar-highlight-color
d) scrollbar-highlight-background
Answer: c

Syntax: scrollbar-highlight-color: color


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