CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Styling Texts for Freshers

1. Which of the following property sets the size of the font?
a) font-size
b) font-variant
c) font-style
d) font-weight
Answer: a
2. Which of the following Property controls the display of small caps?
a) font-size
b) font-variant
c) font-style
d) font-weight
Answer: b
3. Which of the following font-weight property make the text lighter in relation to its parent?
a) unfocus
b) normal
c) lighter
d) normal
Answer: c
4. Which of the following property converts text to initial capitals, all uppercase, or all lowercase?
a) text-transform
b) text
c) text-decoration
d) text-uppercase
Answer: a
5. Which of the following font-variant property render text using the same letter case as in the underlying code?
a) bold
b) small-caps
c) normal
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
6. Which of the following property sets the alignment of the last line of a text block?
a) overflow-wrap
b) text-align-last
c) text-transform
d) text-indent
Answer: b
7. Which of the following property controls how spaces and word wrapping are handled?
a) spacing
b) text-space
c) white-space
d) word-spacing
Answer: c
8. Which of the following property specifies what line decorations, if any, are added to the text?
a) text-decoration-line
b) text-line-decoration
c) text-decoration-style
d) text-style-decoration
Answer: a
9. Which of the following property applies one or more shadows to text?
a) text-shadow
b) shadowed
c) shadow
d) word-shadow
Answer: a
10. Which of the following property allows long text, such as a URL, to be broken if it would otherwise over?ow.
a) text-transform
b) word-wrap
c) text-overflow
d) text-indent
Answer: b