CSS Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on CSS Box Model for Freshers

1. Which of the following property adds padding to the top of an element?

a) height
b) padding-height
c) top
d) padding-top
Answer: d
2. Which of the following display property value is described by treats the element as inline?

a) inline-block
b) list-item
c) block
d) inline
Answer: d
3. Which of the following property defines the style for the bottom border of an element?

a) border-bottom-style
b) border-collapse
c) border-style-bottom
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
4. Which of the following property defines the style for the left border of an element?

a) border-style
b) border-left-style
c) border-left-width
d) border-right
Answer: b
5. Which of the following visibility property value is described by The element is not visible, but the layout of surrounding elements is not affected?

a) visible
b) hidden
c) collapse
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
6. Which of the following display property value is described by used internally by browsers to create list items. Of no practical value to web designers?

a) inline-block
b) list-item
c) group
d) none
Answer: b
7.Which of the following property controls the horizontal overflow of a block or inline block?

a) overflow-x
b) overflow
c) overflow-y
d) overflow-k
Answer: a
8. Which of the following Overflow property value is described by scrollbars should be provided if the content is too big, but actual implementation is left up to the browser?

a) visible
b) scroll
c) auto
d) hidden
Answer: c
9. Which of the following property sets a consistent margin on all four sides of the affected element?

a) boder
b) margin
c) padding
d) none fof the mentioned
Answer: b
10. Which of the following box-sizing property value is described by width and height include content, padding, and borders?

a) border-box
b) content-box
c) content-box
d) none fof the mentioned
Answer: a


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