Java Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Collection Framework Overview for Freshers
1. Which of these packages contain all the collection classes?
a) java.lang
b) java.util
d) java.awt
Answer: b
2. Which of these classes is not part of Java’s collection framework?
a) Maps
b) Array
c) Stack
d) Queue
Answer: a
Explanation: Maps is not a part of collection framework.
3. Which of these interface is not a part of Java’s collection framework?
a) List
b) Set
c) SortedMap
d) SortedList
Answer: d
Explanation: SortedList is not a part of collection framework.
4. Which of these methods deletes all the elements from invoking collection?
a) clear()
b) reset()
c) delete()
d) refresh()
Answer: a
Explanation: clear() method removes all the elements from invoking collection.
5. What is Collection in Java?
a) A group of objects
b) A group of classes
c) A group of interfaces
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: A collection is a group of objects, it is similar to String Template Library (STL) of C++ programming language.
6. What is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;
class Array {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int array[] = new int [5];
for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
array[5-i] = i;
Arrays.fill(array, 1, 4, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++)
a) 12885
b) 12845
c) 58881
d) 54881
b) 12845
c) 58881
d) 54881
Answer: c
Explanation: array was containing 5,4,3,2,1 but when method Arrays.fill(array, 1, 4, 8) is called it fills the index location starting with 1 to 4 by value 8 hence array becomes 5,8,8,8,1.
7. What is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;
class vector {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Vector obj = new Vector(4,2);
obj.addElement(new Integer(3));
obj.addElement(new Integer(2));
obj.addElement(new Integer(5));
a) 0
b) 1
c) true
d) false
b) 1
c) true
d) false
Answer: c
Explanation: firstly elements 3, 2, 5 are entered in the vector obj, but when obj.removeAll(obj); is executed all the elements are deleted and vector is empty, hence obj.isEmpty() returns true.
8. What is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;
class stack {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Stack obj = new Stack();
obj.push(new Integer(3));
obj.push(new Integer(2));
obj.push(new Integer(5));
a) [3, 5]
b) [3, 2]
c) [3, 2, 5]
d) [3, 5, 2]
Answer: a
Explanation: push() and pop() are standard functions of the class stack, push() inserts in the stack and pop removes from the stack. 3 & 2 are inserted using push() the pop() is used which removes 2 from the stack then again push is used to insert 5 hence stack contains elements 3 & 5.
9. What is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;
class hashtable {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Hashtable obj = new Hashtable();
obj.put("A", new Integer(3));
obj.put("B", new Integer(2));
obj.put("C", new Integer(8));
obj.remove(new String("A"));
a) {C=8, B=2}
b) [C=8, B=2]
b) [C=8, B=2]
c) {A=3, C=8, B=2}
d) [A=3, C=8, B=2]
d) [A=3, C=8, B=2]
Answer: b
10. What is the output of this program?
import java.util.*;
class Bitset {
public static void main(String args[]) {
BitSet obj = new BitSet(5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
a) {0, 1, 3, 4}
b) {0, 1, 2, 4}
c) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
d) {0, 0, 0, 3, 4}
b) {0, 1, 2, 4}
c) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
d) {0, 0, 0, 3, 4}
Answer: a