C# Questions & Answers on Relational and Logical Operators for Freshers

1. Select the relevant output for the following set of code:
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 4;
int b = 5;
int c = 6;
int d = 8;
if (((a * b / c) + d) >= ((b * c + d ) / a))
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((a * b / c) + d);
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is not greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((b * c + d )/ a);
a) “Line 1 – a is greater to b”
b) “Line 1 – a is not greater to b”
c) Both are equal
d) None of the mentioned
b) “Line 1 – a is not greater to b”
c) Both are equal
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Now, here in ‘if’ condition both conditions of parenthesis and hence evaluating operators based on parenthesis are tested.
for expression : ((a * b / c) + d)
Step 1 : (a*b/c) (Evaluating as 4*5/6 = 3)
Step 2 : ( (a*b/c) + d ) (Evaluating (3 + 8 = 11))
Result : 11
for expression : (b * c + d )/ a
Step 1 : (b*c + d) (Evaluating as 5*6 +8 = 38)
Step 2: (b*c + d) / a (Evaluating as 38 / 4 = 9)
Result : 9
The relational operator “>=” between both expressions check for largest figure and hence consecutively executes the if condition.
Output : Line 1 – a is greater to b.
2. Check for given code whether the given relation operator works according to the if condition or not.
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 10;
int b = 5;
int c = 12;
int e = 8;
int d;
d = Convert.ToInt32((a * (c - b) / e + (b + c)) <= (e * (c + a) / (b + c) + a));
if (d == 1)
Console.WriteLine("C# is great language!");
Console.WriteLine((a * (c - b) / e + (b + c)));
Console.WriteLine("harsh is not great language!");
Console.WriteLine((e * (c + a) / (b + c) + a));
a) 0
C# is great!
b) 0
C# is not great!
c) 0
C# is great!
d) 0
C# is not great!
C# is great!
b) 0
C# is not great!
c) 0
C# is great!
d) 0
C# is not great!
Answer: d
Explanation: The expression (a * (c – b) / e + (b + c)) on evaluation parenthesis by parenthesis gives result mathematically as 25.Similarly, (e * (c + a) / (b + c) + a) on evaluation parenthesis by parenthesis gives mathematically result as 20.Relational operator now checks for condition as in if condition as (25 < 20 ) which is false. So, a false bit in form of ‘0’ is assigned to d. Now, in if condition (d != 1) as d = 0. So, condition after else is evaluated.
Output :0.
C# is not great!.
3. Which of the following is/are not Relational operators in C#.NET ?
a) >=
b) <>=
c) Not
d) <=Answer: b
a) >=
b) <>=
c) Not
d) <=Answer: b
Explanation: By definition.
4. The relevant output for the following set of code is :
int n = 2;
int p = 4;
int q = 5;
int w = 3;
if ( !((p * q) /n <= (q * w) + n/p ))
Console.WriteLine( ++p + w++ + " " + ++n);
Console.WriteLine(--p + q-- + " " + --n);
a) 6 2
b) 8 1
c) 6 1
d) 8 1
b) 8 1
c) 6 1
d) 8 1
Answer: b
Explanation: After evaluation of the test expression (!((p*q)/n <= (q*w)+n/p )) .The use of logical operator(!) turns false(0) result to bit ‘1’ and hence the condition evaluated by ‘if’ loop is after else as :
–p = 3
q–= 5
–p + q– = 8 where now value of ‘q’is 4.
–n = 2 – 1 =1.
So,values after evaluations are: 8 1.
Output : 8 1
5. Select the relevant output for the set of code :
m = 5;
int y;
1. y = m++;
2. y = ++m;
a) y = 5, m = 6 ; y = 5, m = 5
b) y = 6, m = 6; y = 7, m = 6
c) y = 5, m = 6; y = 7, m = 7
d) y = 5, m = 6; y = 7, m = 8
Answer: c
Explanation: step 1 : m = 5, y = m++ i.e y =5 ,m =6.
step 2 : y = ++m , Since m = 6 .So, m = 7 on ++m and hence y = 7.
Output : y = 5, m = 6; y =7 , m = 7.
6. Predict the output for the follwing set of code :
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 3, b = 5, c = 1;
int z = ++b;
int y = ++c;
b = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToBoolean(z)) && (Convert.ToBoolean(y)) || Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(!(++a == b))));
a = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(c) || Convert.ToBoolean(a--));
a) 2 ,2 ,1
b) 2 ,3 ,2
c) 2 ,2 ,2
d) 2 ,0 ,9
b) 2 ,3 ,2
c) 2 ,2 ,2
d) 2 ,0 ,9
Answer: c
Explanation: z = 6 as ++b.
y = 2 as ++c.
6 && 2 = 1
(++a == b ) which is false as 4!=6. Now, !(false) = true i.e 1.
So, 1 || 1 = 1. So, b = 1.
Similarly, c = 2 and a = 4.Now, 2 || 4 = 1.
So, a = 1.
Hence ++a = 2,++b = 2, c = 2.
Output : 2, 2, 2
7. Select the output for the relevant code set :
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 4, b = 5, c = 7, u = 9;
int h;
h = (Convert.ToInt32(u < b)) + (a + b--) + 2;
Console.WriteLine(u < b);
a) 12, 5, 0
b) 11, 4, False
c) 11, 5, 0
d) 12, 4, False
b) 11, 4, False
c) 11, 5, 0
d) 12, 4, False
Answer: b
Explanation: Step 1: Convert.ToInt32(u < b)(Evaluate result as 9 < 5 which is false in nature.So, solution is converted from ‘false’ to ‘0’).
Step 2: (a + b–) evaluated as 4 + 5 = 9 + 2 =11.
Step 3: u < b evaluated as ‘False’ without being converted to ‘0’.
Output : 11
8. Select the suitable output for the following set of code :
static void Main(string[] args)
int m = 10, n = 5, p = 20;
bool b1 = m * p / n <= p * n / m ;
int l = p - 2 * m;
bool b2 = l == 0;
int z = Convert.ToInt32(b2);
int k = Convert.ToInt32(b1);
a) 0 0
b) 1 0
c) 0 1
d) 1 1
b) 1 0
c) 0 1
d) 1 1
Answer : c
Explanation: Solving the expression for b1 tests the condition for either true or false result in ‘0’. Similarly, for ‘b2’ ‘l’ on solving gives ‘0’. So, condition is true for bool b2 as 0 == 0 . Hence, k = 0 and z = 1.
Output : 0 1.
9. Select the output for the following set of code :
class method1
public int fun(int m)
return( m++ % 10);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 23, b = 0, c;
method1 z = new method1();
c = z.fun (++b * --a % 2);
int d = (z.fun (c-- + --a));
a) -1, 22, 0
b) -1, 21, 1
c) 0, 22, 1
d) 0, 22, 0
b) -1, 21, 1
c) 0, 22, 1
d) 0, 22, 0
Answer : b
Explanation: Here, for first value of c, ++b = 1 and 1 * (22%2) = 0 . c = 0 . Now c — = 0 and — a = 22 – 1 =21.Now, c — is the first condition executed and then decremented So, c = -1.Similarly, a++ = 21. Now, as we can see from options we are confirmed over value of c = -1, a = 21. So, we can easily know that d = 1.
Output:-1 21 1
10. Select the output for the following set of Code :
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 8, b = 6, c = 10;
int d = a * c * 2 / Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow ((c - b), 2));
if (d == (c = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt (a * a + b * b))) && c == 10)
Console.WriteLine("figure is hypotenuse");
Console.WriteLine("figure is square");
a) Figure is square
b) Figure is hypotenuse
c) False
d) None of the mentioned
b) Figure is hypotenuse
c) False
d) None of the mentioned
Answer : a
Explanation: Solving the expression for ‘c’ we get c==10 in if first condition as (c == Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b))). The logical condition when d == (c = 10) suits here . Similarly, going for second condition where c ==10 as ‘&&’ operator exists between both given condition and at last both are evaluated to true as c == 10. So, only first statement is executed.
Output :Figure is square