Linux Questions & Answers on File Types for Freshers

1. The soft link will increase the link counter of the file.(T/F)

a) True
b) False
Answer: b
2. When you use the ln command, which of the following occurs?

a) a file is created that points to an existing file
b) a file is created that is a copy of an existing file
c) a file is moved from one location to another
d) a file is renamed
Answer: a
3. srwxr-xrw- is a

a) internet socket file
b) unix domain socket file
c) symbolic link
d) shared file
Answer: b
4. Binary or executable files are:

a) Regular files
b) Device files
c) Special files
d) Directory files
Answer: a
5. The directory file contains:

a) File names & File Sizes
b) File names & Inode Numbers
c) File names & Address
d) File names & Permissions
Answer: b
6. Which directory contain device special files?

a) /etc
b) /etc/dev
c) /root/bin
d) /dev
Answer: d
7. Which of the following is not a valid file type on Linux

a) Socket
b) Softlink
c) Inode
Answer: c
8. Which of the following is not correct statement regarding file types?

a) Hard links share same inode number
b) Soft links cannot be created across partitions
c) Socket files are Unix domain sockets
d) Character file is a special file
Answer: b
9. Which are the two types of device files?

a) Character & Block
b) Character & Socket
c) Block & FIFO
d) Input & output
Answer: a
10. Which is an example for character special file?

a) Hard disk
c) Terminal
d) Memory
Answer: c
11. Which is an example for block special file?

a) Virtual Terminal
c) Terminal
d) Serial modem
Answer: b
12. All device files are stored in which directory?

a) /etc
b) /bin
c) /dev
d) /usr
Answer: c


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