Linux Questions & Answers on Linux Environment for Freshers

1. To increase the response time and throughput, the kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer called

a) Pooling
b) Spooling
c) Buffer cache
d) Swapping
Answer: c
2. At start of process execution, STDOUT & STDERR

a) Point to current terminal device
b) Are closed
c) Point to special files on the system
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
3. wtmp and utmp files contain:

a) Temporary system data
b) User login-logout log
c) The user’s command execution log
d) The user’s su and sudo attempts
Answer: b
4. Which is the core of the operating system?

a) Shell
b) Kernel
c) Commands
d) Script
Answer: b
5. ILP32 stands for

a) 32 bit Integer, Long & Pointer
b) 32 bit Integrated Long & Pointer
c) 32 bit Intelligent Long & Pointer
d) 32 bit Long & Pointer
Answer: a
6. Single Unix Specification Version 2 provides enhanced support for

a) 16 bit Unix
b) 32 bit Unix
c) 64 bit Unix
d) 8 bit Unix
Answer: c
7. Under UNIX the key board is the default input device and the monitor is the default output device

a) True
b) False
Answer: a
8. Which among the following interacts directly with system hardware?

a) Shell
b) Commands
c) Kernel
d) Applications
Answer: c
9. Applications communicate with kernel by using:

a) System Calls
b) C Programs
c) Shell Script
d) Shell
Answer: a
10. Solaris is the name of a flavor of UNIX from

a) HP
b) IBM
c) Digital Equipment Corp
d) Sun Microsystems
Answer: d
11. Which of the following is “NOT” a UNIX variant ?

a) Solaris
b) AIX
d) AS400
Answer: d
12. The system calls in UNIX is written using which language

a) C
b) C++
c) Assembly Language
d) Fortran
Answer: a
13. Which of the following enables multi-tasking in UNIX?

a) Time Sharing
b) Multi programming
c) Multi user
d) Modularity
Answer: a
14. Which of the following is considered as the super daemon in Unix?

a) sysinit
b) init
c) inetd
d) proc
Answer: b
15. Unix is which kind of Operating System?

a) Multi User
b) Multi Processes
c) Multi Tasking
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
16. SVR4 stands for?

a) Standard Version Release 4
b) System Version Release 4
c) Standard Five Release 4
d) System Five Release 4
Answer: d
17. Lp0 device file is used to access:

a) Floppy
b) Cdrom
c) Printer
d) Tape drive
Answer: c
18. Syntax of any Unix command is:

a) command [options] [arguments].
b) command options [arguments].
c) command [options] [arguments].
d) command options arguments
Answer: a
19. SVR4 was developed by

a) Sun Microsystems
b) AT&T
c) University of Berkeley
d) Sun and AT&T jointly
Answer: d
20. Which of these is not a Unix Flavor?

a) BSD
b) MAC
c) AIX
Answer: b
21. Which of the following statement is FALSE ?

a) Unix supports multiple users
b) Linux is an open source operating system and the source code is shared
c) Shell takes care of inter process communication
d) Shell provides the feature of I/O Redirection
Answer: c
22. Which of the following UNIX flavor is from IBM?

a) BSD
b) Solaris
c) HP-UX
d) AIX
Answer: d
23. x86-32 uses which programming model?

a) IP16
b) IP32
c) ILP16
d) ILP32
Answer: d
24. What are the sizes of (Integer/Long/Pointer) in LP64 programming model?

a) 8/8/8
b) 4/4/8
c) 4/8/8
d) 4/8/4
Answer: c
25. Which among the following is used to write small programs to control Unix functionalities?

a) Shell Commands
b) Shell Script
c) Filters
d) C Language
Answer: b
26. What control character signals the end of the input file?

a) ctrl + a
b) ctrl + b
c) ctrl + c
d) ctrl + d
Answer: d
27. How do you get help about the command “cp”?

a) help cp
b) man cp
c) cd ?
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b


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