Linux Questions & Answers on Linux Commands for Freshers -1

1. The dmesg command

a) Shows user login logoff attempts
b) Shows the syslog file for info messages
c) kernel log messages
d) Shows the daemon log messages
Answer: c
2. The command “mknod myfifo b 4 16”

a) Will create a block device if user is root
b) Will create a block device for all users
c) Will create a FIFO if user is not root
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
3. Which command is used to set terminal IO characteristic?

a) tty
b) ctty
c) ptty
d) stty
Answer: d
4. Which command is used to record a user login session in a file

a) macro
b) read
c) script
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
5. Which command is used to display the operating system name

a) os
b) unix
c) kernel
d) uname
Answer: d
6. Which command is used to display the unix version

a) uname -r
b) uname -n
c) uname -t
d) kernel
Answer: a
7. Which command is used to print a file

a) print
b) ptr
c) lpr
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
8. Using which command you find resource limits to the session?

a) rlimit
b) ulimit
c) setrlimit
d) getrlimit
Answer: b
9. Which option of ls command used to view file inode number

a) –l
b) -o
c) –a
d) –i
Answer: d
10. Find / -name ‘*’ will

a) List all files and directories recursively starting from /
b) List a file named * in /
c) List all files in / directory
d) List all files and directories in / directory
Answer: a
11. Which command is used to display the octal value of the text

a) octal
b) text_oct
c) oct
d) od
Answer: d
12. Which command is used to view compressed text file contents

a) cat
b) type
c) zcat
d) print
Answer: c
13. Which command changes a file’s group owner

a) cgrp
b) chgrp
c) change
d) group
Answer: b
14. Which command is used to extract intermediate result in a pipeline

a) tee
b) extract
c) exec
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
15. Which command is used to extract a column from a text file

a) paste
b) get
c) cut
d) tar
Answer: c
16. Which command is used to display disk consumption of a specific directory

a) du
b) ds
c) dd
d) dds
Answer: a
17. Which command is used to perform backup in unix?

a) backup
b) cpio
c) zip
d) gzip
Answer: b
18. Which command creates an empty file if file does not exist?

a) cat
b) touch
c) ed
d) read
Answer: b
19. Which option of rm command is used to remove a directory with all its subdirectories

a) –b
b) –o
c) –p
d) –r
Answer: d
20. Which command is used to identify file type?

a) Type
b) File
c) Finfo
d) Info
Answer: b


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