Linux Interview Questions and Answers on Memory Management for Freshers

1. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the code segment of the program starts?

a) 0x00000000
b) 0x08048000
c) 0x80000000
d) 0xbfff0000
Answer: b
2. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the user stack resides normally?

a) 0x00000000
b) 0x3fff0000
c) 0x7fff0000
d) 0xbfff0000
Answer: d
3. A system has 512MB of physical memory. Which among the following is not a suitable virtual memory size for this system architecture?

a) 512MB
b) 256M
c) 4GB
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
4. LRU stands for

a) Last received Unit
b) Least recently Used
c) Least recently usable
d) Lost Recoverd unit
Answer: b
5. Mm_struct maintains?

a) memory files
b) open files
c) pipe
d) active memory regions
Answer: d
6. Which sytem call can be used by a user process to lock a memory so that it cannot be swapped out?

a) memory files()
b) memlock()
c) pipe()
d) active memory regions
Answer: b
7. Is page table per process entity?

a) Yes
b) No
Answer: a
8. Among these files which has an ELF format

a) shared objects
b) core
c) executables
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
9. What is the use of strace command?

a) strace can be used to check the system calls called by the program. So, this can be used for debugging and benchmarking purposes
b) strace cannot be used to check the system calls called by the program
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
10. If one of the thread in multithreaded process is blocked on an I/O, which of the following is true?

a) The entire process with block if their is no kernel supported threads
b) Other threads of the process will continue to execute even if there is no kernel supported threads
c) It depends on specific implementatation
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
11. Which one can be a real time schedule policy?

Answer: a
12. In Linux kernel-2.6 Real time priority ranges from

a) 0 to 99
b) 0 to 139
c) -20 to 19
d) 100 to 139
Answer: a
13. Solaris real time class priority is

a) 0-59
b) 60-99
c) 100-159
d) 160-169
Answer: c
14. Solaris System class priority is 

a) 0-59
b) 60-99
c) 100-159
d) 160-169
Answer: b


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