Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Positional & Non-Positional Number System for Freshers

1. Which of the following is not a type of number system?

a) Positional
b) Non-Positional
c) Octal
d) Fractional
Answer: d

Explanation: There are two main types of number systems : Positional & Non-positional.
Positional System uses digits for the representation whereas, non-positional number systems use certain symbols for the representation of numbers. Octal is a type of positional number systems with base 8.
2. How is the number 5 represented in non-positional number system?

b) 5
c) V
d) v
Answer: a

Explanation: In a non-positional number system, 1 is represented as I, 2 as II, 3 as III, 4 as IIII and therefore, 5 is represented as IIIII. This number system uses symbols for the representation of digits.
3. The base is the total number of digits in a number system.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is true. In a positional number system, base is the number of digits the system comprises. For example, a binary number system comprises of only 2 digits, 0 and 1, therefore its base is 2. Similarly, the decimal system comprises 10 digits 0 to 9, therefore its base is 10.
4. The LSB and MSB of 1243247 are ____ and ____

a) 1, 7
b) 4, 7
c) 7, 1
d) 4, 1
Answer: c

Explanation: The LSB or the least significant bit is the rightmost digit at the zeros position. The MSB or the most significant bit is the leftmost digit.
5. A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.

a) Abacus
b) Calculator
c) Pascaline
d) Computer
Answer: a

Explanation: Abacus was used to doing arithmetic calculations around 2500 years ago. Pascaline was the pascal’s calculator by Blaise Pascal invented for doing laborious calculations.
6. The 2’s complement of 5 is ______________

a) 1011
b) 0101
c) 1010
d) 0011
Answer: a

Explanation: The 2’s complement is obtained by adding 1 to the 1s complement of a number. The 1’s complement of 5(0101) is 1010. For 2’s complement : 1010+1=1011.
7. What does BCD stand for?

a) Bitwise coded decimal
b) Binary coded decimal
c) Binary converted decimal
d) Bitwise Converted Decimal
Answer: b

Explanation: BCD is the binary coded decimal form of representation of numbers in 4 bits.E.g. The BCD representation of 5 is 0101. BCD representation of 22 is 00100010.
8. 1 zettabyte = ______________

a) 1024 TB
b) 1024 EB
c) 1024 ZB
d) 1024 PB
Answer: b

Explanation: 1 ZB=1024 EB(exabyte)
1 EB=1024PB(petabyte)
1 YB(yottabyte)=1024ZB.
9. Perfrom BCD addition: 2+3= _______________

a) 0010
b) 0011
c) 0101
d) 1010
Answer: c

Explanation: BCD of 2 =0010
BCD of 3=0011
Therefore, 2+3=0101(5).
10. ASCII stands for _____________________

a) American standard code for information interchange
b) American scientific code for information interchange
c) American scientific code for international interchange
d) American standard code of international interchange
Answer: a

Explanation: ASCII is an encoding standard which is used for communications worldwide. ASCII codes are allotted to digits, special characters and alphabets for data communication purpose.


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