Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Cloud computing costs for Freshers

1. The cost of a cloud computing deployment is roughly estimated to be :

a) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD / (Revenue – CostCLOUD))
b) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD x (Revenue + CostCLOUD))
c) CostCLOUD = Σ(UnitCostCLOUD x (Revenue – CostCLOUD))
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: Unit cost is usually defined as the cost of a machine instance per hour or another resource.
2. Point out the correct statement :

a) Cloud resource pricing doesn’t always scale linearly based on performance
b) Depending upon the service model type, other resources add additional unit costs
c) Typical efficiency in data centers are between 10 and 55 percent
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Different cloud providers charge different amounts for these resources, some resources are free for one provider and charged for another, and there are almost always variable charges based on resource sizing.
3. The costs associated with resources in the cloud computing model _______ can be unbundled to a greater extent than the costs associated with CostDATACENTER.

b) CostCLOUD
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: The CostDATACENTER consists of the summation of the cost of each of the individual systems with all the associated resources.
4. Security methods such as private encryption, VLANs and firewalls comes under __________ subject area.

a) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER / (Revenue –(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn
b) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER x (Revenue –(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn
c) CostDATACENTER = 1nΣ(UnitCostDATACENTER x (Revenue +(CostDATACENTER/Utilization))SYSTEMn
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Sum includes terms for System 1, System 2, System 3, and so on.
5. Point out the wrong statement :

a) Data center operates under average loads
b) Private cloud doesn’t pooling of resources that a cloud computing provider can achieve
c) Private cloud doesn’t employ the same level of virtualization
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Capacity of the datacenter is fixed by the assets it has.
6. For a server with a four-year lifetime, you would therefore need to include an overhead roughly equal to ___ percent of the system’s acquisition

a) 10
b) 20
c) 25
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: The costs of a system in a datacenter must also include the overhead associated with power, cooling, and the physical plant.
7. The overhead associated with ____ staff is a major cost.

a) Data Center
b) IT
c) Non IT
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: It is not uncommon for the burden cost of a system in a datacenter to be 150 percent of the cost of the system itself.
8. Moving expenses onto the _____ side of a budget allows an organization to transfer risk to their cloud computing provider.

a) Dex
b) OpEx
c) Pex
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: The conversion of real assets to virtual ones provides a measure of protection against too much or too little infrastructure.
9. ________ is surely an impediment to established businesses starting new enterprises.

a) Proposition
b) Capitalization
c) Globalization
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Capitalization may be the single largest reason that new businesses fail.
10. Cloud computing is also a good option when the cost of infrastructure and management is ______

a) low
b) high
c) moderate
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: This is often the case with legacy applications and systems where maintaining the system capabilities is a significant cost.

11. ______-sizing is possible when the system load is cyclical or in some cases when there are predictable bursts or spikes in the load.

a) Left
b) Right
c) Top
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: You encounter cyclical loads in many public facing commercial ventures with seasonal demands, when the load is affected by time zones.
12. Point out the correct statement :

a) A standard machine instance (virtual computer) might cost $0.10 or less an hour
b) A typical storage charge might be $0.10 per GB/month
c) Outsourcing shifts the burden of capital expenditures onto the service provider
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: In reality, the major cloud providers provide machine instances in small slices that can be added within five minutes or less.
13. _____ is a financial estimate for the costs of the use of a product or service over its lifetime.

a) TCO
b) TOC
c) COT
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: TCO stands for total Cost of Ownership.
14. The Microsoft ____ Platform ROI wizard provides a quick and dirty analysis of your TCO for a cloud deployment on Windows Azure in an attractive report format.

a) AWS
b) EC2
c) Azure
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: A better metric for enterprises is captured by a Return on Investment or ROI calculation.
15. Point out the wrong statement :

a) TCO must account for the real costs of items, but frequently they do not
b) A system consumes resources such as space in a datacenter or portion of your site, power, cooling, and management
c) Microsoft maintains an economics page for its Windows Azure Platform
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: When you account for monitoring and management of systems, you must account for the burdened cost of an IT employee, the cost of the hardware and software that is used for management, and other hidden costs.
16. A ________ Level Agreement (SLA) is the contract for performance negotiated between you and a service provider.

a) Service
b) Application
c) Deployment
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: In the early days of cloud computing, all SLAs were negotiated between a client and the provider.
17. Which of the following is specified parameter of SLA ?

a) Response times
b) Responsibilities of each party
c) Warranties
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: Some SLAs are enforceable as contracts.
18. When you purchase shrink-wrapped software, you are using that software based on a licensing agreement called ________

b) EUL
c) ELA
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: EULA stands for End User License Agreement.
19. Cloud computing shifts capital expenditures into ________ expenditures.

a) operating
b) service
c) local
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Cloud computing changes the nature of the service provider and its relationship to its client.
20. Which of the following service is used for backing up a licensed computer ?

a) CarbonT
b) Karbonite
c) Carbonite
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Cloud computing applications rarely use machine licenses when the application is meant to be ubiquitous.


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