Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Resource Ceilings of Cloud Computing for Freshers

1. Which of the following resource(s) represents the bottleneck in the current system that limits the system’s performance ? a) ROM b) R...

1. Which of the following resource(s) represents the bottleneck in the current system that limits the system’s performance ?

a) ROM
b) Resource ceiling
c) Resource Parameters
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Depending upon a server’s configuration, any resource can have a bottleneck removed, and the resource ceiling then passes onto another resource.
2. Point out the wrong statement :

a) Load testing software is a large product category with software and hardware products
b) Cloud computing offers virtual solutions
c) Load testing is useful in testing the performance of only Web servers
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Load testing is useful in testing the performance of not only Web servers, but also application servers, database servers, network throughput, load balancing servers, and applications that rely on client-side processing.
3. Which of the following application can replay requests to Web servers ?

a) HTTPerf
b) Perfmon
c) Autobench
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: This tool run the requests from a single client, which can be a resource limitation of its own.
4. Which of the following is often a bottleneck in Web servers ?
a) Network I/O
b) RAM
c) Disk
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Network I/O (D) reaches its maximum 100-percent utilization at about 50 percent of the tested load, and this factor is the current system resource ceiling.
5. Point out the correct statement :

a) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving more requests to less powerful systems and fewer requests to more powerful systems
b) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving more requests to more powerful systems and fewer requests to less powerful systems
c) Most load balancers allow you to weight the requests going to a specific server with the goal of serving fewer requests to more powerful systems and more requests to less powerful systems
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: When you have multiple virtual servers that are part of a server farm and have a load balancer in front of them, you can use your load balancer to test your servers’ resource ceilings.
6. Which of the following resource has following graph structure for web servers ?
a) CPU
b) RAM
c) Disk
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Web sites prefer to scale out using many low-powered servers instead of scaling up with fewer but more powerful servers.
7. Which of the following resource has following graph structure for web servers ?
a) Network I/O
b) RAM
c) Disk
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: Whatever performance measurement tool you use, the goal is to create a set of resource utilization curves.
8. What does WnsP represents in the following formula ?

a) workload of the virtual servers
b) workload of your physical server
c) sum over all the Web servers
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: In this equation, WSnP represents the workload of your physical server(s) and WSnV is the workload of the virtual servers (cloud-based server instances) of your infrastructure.
9. A master/slave MySQL replication architectural scheme is used for ________ database applications.

a) medium size
b) large
c) smaller
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: As sites grow and the number of transactions increases, developers tend to deploy databases in a federated architecture.
10. Which of the following performance analysis tool lets you save its state for Windows ?

a) MMS
b) CloudWatch
c) Microsoft Management Console
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: In the Amazon Web Service, the statistics monitoring tool is called Amazon CloudWatch, and you can create a performance monitoring console from the statistics it collects.


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