Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Memory Storage Devices for Freshers

1. Winchester disks are a type of _______

a) optical disks
b) magnetic disks
c) compact disks
d) magnetic drives
Answer: b

Explanation: The regularly spaced electric pulses per second are referred to as the clock cycles. All the jobs performed by the processor are on the basis of clock cycles.
2. Bernoulli disks are a type of magnetic floppy disks.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b

Explanation: Bernoulli disks are a type of magnetic hard disks and not floppy disks. They are also called as zip disks. It uses a single hard disk platter encased in a plastic cartidge.
3. A plug and play storage device that simply plugs in the port of a computer is __________

a) Flash drive
b) Compact disk
c) Hard disk
d) CD
Answer: a

Explanation: A flash drive often called as a pen drive enables easy transport of data from one computer to another. It comes in various shapes and sizes and may have different added features.
4. What does USB stand for?

a) Universal Signal Board
b) Universal Signal Bus
c) Universal Serial Bus
d) Universal Serial Board
Answer: c

Explanation: USB stands for universal serial bus. A flash drive simply plugs in the USB port of a computer.
5. A device similar to a flash drive ______________
a) Memory card

b) Compact drive
c) Compact disk
d) Memory disk
Answer: a

Explanation: Memory card serves a similar purpose as that of a flash drive. It is in the shape of a card. Useful in electronic devices like Camera, music player, etc.
6. What does RAID stand for?

a) Redundant array of independent disks
b) Redundant array of inexpensive disks
c) Redundant array of intermediate disks
d) Redundant array of improper disks
Answer: b

Explanation: RAID is Redundant array of inexpensive disks. It is an array of disks which can store data bits.
7. A set of hard disk drives with a controller mounted in a single box, forming a single large storage unit is ____________

a) Disk array
b) Drives
c) Compact drives
d) Multi-cores
Answer: a

Explanation: The answer is disk array. It is commonly known as RAID. As a secondary storage device, provides enhanced performance, enhanced storage capacity and reliability.
8. The process in which a file is partitioned into smaller parts and different parts are stored in different disks is ____________

b) Mirroring
c) Stripping
d) RAID classification
Answer: c

Explanation: Enhanced reliability is achieved by using techniques like mirroring and stripping in case of disk arrays. Stripping is the division of a large file into smaller parts and then storing them on different disks.
9. Which of the following uses multiple hard disk platters mounted on a single central shift?

a) Disk drives
b) Hard disks
c) Disk packs
d) Compact disks
Answer: c

Explanation: Disk packs use a number of hard disk platters. Also, they are mounted on a single central shaft.
10. Which of the following is not a magnetic disk?

a) Floppy
b) Winchester
c) Zip
Answer: d

Explanation: Flash drives are a type of memory storage devices. It is a relatively newer type of secondary storage device which enables easy transfer of data from one computer to another.


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