Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Input Devices for Freshers

1. These devices provide a means of communication between a computer and outer world.

a) I/O
b) Storage
c) Compact
d) Drivers
Answer: a

Explanation: The I/O i.e. the input/output devices provide a means of communication between the computer and the outer world. They are often referred to as the peripheral devices sometimes.
2. The I/O devices are sometimes called the peripheral devices because they surround the CPU and memory of the computer system.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is true. The input devices are used to enter data from the outside world into primary storage. The output devices supply results of processing from primary storage to users.
3. Identify the blank space in the diagram.
a) Processor
b) Memory
c) CPU
d) Storage
Answer: c

Explanation: Firstly, the input is given to the input device, then the data in coded in internal form and is sent to the CPU. Further, the processed data is sent to the output device and the result is obtained.
4. What does GUI stand for?

a) Graphical User Instruction
b) Ground User Interface
c) General User Instruction
d) Graphical User Interface
Answer: d

Explanation: GUI stands for a graphical user interface. Graphical user interface basically provides a set of graphical elements on the screen to the users. Commonly used for point-and-draw devices.
5. Which of the following is not a point-and-draw device?

a) Keypad
b) Trackball
c) Touch screen
d) Mouse
Answer: a

Explanation: All except the keypad are point-and-draw devices. They are used to rapidly point to and select a graphic icon or menu item from multiple options displayed on the GUI of a screen.
6. A device used for video games, flight simulators, training simulators and for controlling industrial robots.

a) Mouse
b) Light pen
c) Joystick
d) Keyboard
Answer: c

Explanation: Joystick is the device used for the same. It is a point-and-draw device. It has a click button, a stick, a ball, a socket as well as a light indicator.
7. The unattended interactive information systems such as automatic teller machine or ATM is called as _________

a) Kiosks
b) Sioks
c) Cianto
d) Kiaks
Answer: a

Explanation: The term information kiosks are used for the same. Touch screens are used the most preferred human-computer interface used in information kiosks.
8. Which are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?

a) Data Scanning devices
b) Data retrieving devices
c) Data acquiring devices
d) System Access devices
Answer: a

Explanation: They are referred to as data scanning devices. They eliminate the need to key in text data into the computer. It demands the high quality of input documents.
9. Which of the following is a type of image scanner?

a) Flat-held
b) Hand-led
c) Flat-bed
d) Compact
Answer: c

Explanation: Image scanners are the input devices that translate the paper documents into an electronic format for storage in a computer. Stored image can be altered or manipulated with image-processing software.
10. Which of the following is capable of recognizing a pre-specified type of mark by pencil or pen?

a) OMR
b) Winchester
c) Bar code reader
d) Image Scanner
Answer: a

Explanation: OMR stands for optical mark reader. These are very useful for grading tests with objective type questions or for any input data that is of choice or selection nature.


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