Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on EBCDIC for Freshers

1. What does EBCDIC stand for?

a) Extended Binary Converted Decimal Intermediate Code
b) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Intermediate Code
c) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
d) Extended Binary Converted Decimal Interchange Code
Answer: b

Explanation: EBCDIC is the Extended BCD interchange code. It uses 8 bits to represent a symbol. It can represent 256 different characters.
2. In EBCDIC, a maximum of 128 different characters can be represented.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b

Explanation: EBCDIC uses 8 bits for representation. Therefore, 28 i.e., 256 different characters can be represented and not 128. Thus, the above statement is false.
3. The EBCDIC code for the character A is ______________

a) digit : 1100 zone : 0001
b) digit : 1111 zone : 0001
c) digit : 1100 zone : 1010
d) digit : 1111 zone : 1010
Answer: a

Explanation: The character A is represented by the digit 1100 and the zone 0001. The hex representation for the same is C1. Similarly for B it is C2 and so on.
4. The hex representation for F is _______________

a) C6
b) C5
c) D6
d) D1
Answer: a

Explanation: Certain hex representations are :
5. In EBCDIC, D5 is used to represent ________ character.

a) J
b) N
c) O
d) K
Answer: b

Explanation: D5 is used to represent N in this system. The representations D1 to D9 are used for the characters J to R respectively.
6. Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?

a) S
b) Z
c) O
d) X
Answer: c

Explanation: All the alphabets from S to Z have their digit as 1110. Here, O has the digit 1101 and therefore is the incorrect option. Example: S has the digit as 1110 and zone 0010.
7. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?

a) E9
b) F9
c) G9
d) H9
Answer: b

Explanation: For digits in EBCDIC, the hex equivalent starts from F0 to F9.
F3=3 and so on.
8. The characters from 0 to 9 have their common digit as ___________

a) 1111
b) 0000
c) 0001
d) 1000
Answer: a

Explanation: The digits are 1111 in case of numbers. Here, 0.101 gets converted to 1.010 in its 1’s complement format.
9. The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________

a) Programming
b) Machine Codes
c) Mainframes
d) Super Computers
Answer: c

Explanation: This concept of EBCDIC was invented by IBM. It is mainly used in the IBM mainframe environment. So basically, mainframes use EBCDIC codes.
10. Which of the following character is available in EBCDIC but not in ASCII?

a) cent sign
b) dollar sign
c) comma
d) punctuation
Answer: a

Explanation: The cent sign wasn’t available in ASCII which is the American Standard Code for Information interchange. It was available in EBCDIC though and thus was considered better.


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