Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Amazon Machine Images of Cloud Computing

1. Which of the following provides a bridge between a company’s existing network and the AWS cloud ?

a) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
b) AWS Premium Support
c) Amazon Fulfillment Web Services
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: VPC connects your network resources to a set of AWS systems over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection and extends security
2. Point out the wrong statement:

a) Between FBA and FWS, you can create a nearly virtual store on
b) Amazon plans to extend the capabilities of VPC to integrate with other systems in the Amazon cloud computing portfolio
c) FPS is exposed as an API that sorts transactions into packages called Quick Starts that makes it easy to implement
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Merchant inventory is prepositioned in Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
3. Which of the following is Amazon’s technical support and consulting business ?

a) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
b) AWS Premium Support
c) Amazon Fulfillment Web Services
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Through AWS Premium Support, subscribers to AWS can get help building or supporting applications that use EC2.
4. Which of the following allows merchants to fill orders through fulfillment service ?

a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
b) Amazon Fulfillment Web Services
c) Amazon Relational Database Service
d) Amazon Simple Storage System
Answer: b

Explanation: There is no charge for using Amazon FWS.
5. Point out the correct statement:

a) With EC2, you can launch and run server instances called Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) running different operating systems such as Red Hat Linux
b) A machine image is the software and operating system running on top of the instance
c) A machine image may be thought of as the contents of a boot drive
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: A machine image should be composed of a hardened operating system.
6. Which of the following provides access for developers to charge Amazon’s customers for their purchases ?

a) FWS
b) FAS
c) FPS
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: FPS is a payments-transfer infrastructure.
7. Which of the following uses an authentication device ?

a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce
b) Amazon Mechanical Turk
c) Amazon DevPay
d) Multi-Factor Authentication
Answer: d

Explanation: Multi-Factor Authentication gives you two layers of protection: your user id and password.
8. _________ is a virtual server platform that allows users to create and run virtual machines on Amazon’s server farm.

a) EC2
b) Azure
c) EC5
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: You can add or subtract virtual servers elastically as needed.
9. AMIs are operating systems running on the _____ virtualization hypervisor.

a) Yen
b) Xen
c) Ben
d) Multi-Factor Authentication
Answer: b

Explanation: Each virtual private server is accorded a size rating called its EC2 Compute Unit.
10. Which of the following instance class is best used for applications that are processor- or compute-intensive ?

a) Standard Instances
b) High Memory Instances
c) High CPU Instances
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Applications of this type include rendering, encoding, data and others.

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