Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Multithreading for Freshers

1. Multithreading is also called as ____________

a) Concurrency
b) Simultaneity
c) Crosscurrent
d) Recurrent
Answer: a

Explanation: Concurrency is often used in place of multithreading. Multitasking allows multiple threads to run at a time.
2. Multiprocessing allows single processor to run several concurrent threads.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is false. Multitasking allows single processor to run several concurrent threads.
3. A single sequential flow of control within a program is ________

a) Process
b) Task
c) Thread
d) Structure
Answer: c

Explanation: A thread is a sequential flow of control within a program. Single-threaded program can handle one task at any time.
4. Both client and server release _________ connection after a page has been transferred.

a) IP
b) TCP
c) Hyperlink
d) Network
Answer: b

Explanation: The answer is TCP. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. Servers receive requests from clients.
5. Java extension used in threads?

a) java.lang.Thread
b) java.language.Thread
c) java.lang.Threads
d) java.Thread
Answer: a

Explanation: java.lang.Thread is the class that is extended if any user wants to extend threads.
6. A method that must be overridden while extending threads.

a) run()
b) start()
c) stop()
d) paint()
Answer: a

Explanation: run()method must be overridden (It is similar to main method of sequential program).
7. An interface that is implemented while using threads.

a) java.lang.Run
b) java.lang.Runnable
c) java.lang.Thread
d) java.lang.Threads
Answer: b

Explanation: java.lang.Runnable is correct. Any thread class implements runnable.
8. A thread becomes non runnable when?

a) Its stop method is invoked
b) Its sleep method is invoked
c) Its finish method is invoked
d) Its init method is invoked
Answer: b

Explanation: A thread becomes Not Runnable when one of these events occurs:
• Its sleep method is invoked.
• The thread calls the wait method to wait for a specific condition to be satisfied.
• The thread is blocking on I/O.
9. A method used to temporarily release time for other threads.

a) yield()
b) set()
c) release()
d) start()
Answer: a

Explanation: We can use the yield() method to temporarily release time for other threads. It is static by default.
10. A method used to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.

a) join()
b) connect()
c) combine()
d) concat()
Answer: a

Explanation: The answer is join(). We can use the join() method to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.


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