multiple choice Questions and Answers on Mobile Cloud Applications of Cloud Computing for Freshers

1. Which of the following is core module of Android for Internet computing?

b) SQL Server RDBMS
c) OpenPL
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Android serve as consumer or client for cloud computing services.
2. Point out the wrong statement:

a) Google Chrome to Phone Extension sends links and information from a Chrome browser to an Android phone
b) Voice Actions for Android is a voice command and speech recognition program
c) Google Goggles is used for local search
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Google Chrome to Phone Extension places a button in your Chrome browser that can push links, maps, selected text, or phone numbers out to your Android phone.
3. Which of the following Google Application can be found in Android?

a) Google Translate
b) Google Shopper
c) My Tracks
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: Google Translate is a language searching program.
4. Which of the following applications are processed locally on the phone?

a) Google Earth
b) Google Maps
c) Google Voice
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: Smartphones are essentially miniaturized computers which run locally.
5. Point out the correct statement:

a) Voice Actions for Android allows you to use spoken commands to control your Android phone
b) The Android Market is not available on Android phones through the Market application
c) Video is accessed with the microphone button inside the Google search box on the Android home screen
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: This includes dialing a contact, getting a map, sending text or email, playing a music file and browsing the Web.
6. Which of the following has not included support for Adobe Flash or Java on its platform?

a) Microsoft
b) Apple
c) Google
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: Many sites viewed within the Safari micro-browser are not completely rendered.
7. Which of the following is Apple’s cloud service for hosted email service ?

a) MobileMe
b) MobApp
c) MobileCloud
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Apple’s Mobile Me contains a number of cloud services such as iDisk, hosted e-mail, and more.
8. Which of the following programming medium is used by MobileMe to create the appearance of a desktop application inside a browser?

c) Jquery
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: The central application in the suite is Apple’s hosted em-ail service.
9. Which of the following is a photo and video sharing service by MobileMe?

a) iDisk
b) Find My iPhone
c) iWeb Publish
d) MobileMe Gallery
Answer: d

Explanation: iDisk is an online storage drive that can browsed and from which items can be shared.
10. Which of the following is Apple’s instant messaging service that interoperates with AIM?

a) iDisk
b) iChat
c) wechat
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Explanation: With MobileMe installed on Windows, you can synchronize data with your MobileMe account to Windows.
11. Which of the following has an application on the iPhone to manage its service deployments?

a) Microsoft
b) Google
c) Rackspace
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: Amazon Web Services has a specific iPhone Application Hosting page for iPhone developers.
12. Point out the wrong statement:

a) iDisk is an online storage drive that can browsed and from which items can be shared
b) iWeb Publish is a hosted Web site that can be accessed either through your own personal domain or through a personal page at
c) iGoogle is Apple’s instant messaging service that interoperates with AIM
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c

Explanation: iChat is Apple’s instant messaging service that interoperates with AIM.
13. Which of the following third-party application uses AWS APIs to control the various components and instances you have running ?

a) iAWSManager
b) iEC2Manager
c) iManager
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: An advantage of Android and Windows Mobile is that they have their own dedicated infrastructure on which developers can host their applications.
14. Which of the following web service can be controlled by iAWSManager cloud app from an iPhone ?

a) EC2
b) ELB
c) SQS
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: iAWSManager lets you control your AWS EC2, ELB, S3, CF, SQS, and SDB Web services from an iPhone.
15. Point out the correct statement:

a) MobileMe Mail adds a number of features to hosted e-mail including better screen control and formatting, picture handling, and a rich Web experience
b) MobileMe Calendar is an updated version of the online calendar application
c) iPhone applications are hosted on the iTunes App Store
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d

Explanation: Many applications are heavy users of Internet or Web services and require dedicated infrastructure to stage.
16. Which of the following IM service is invented by Blackberry ?

a) BBM
b) ICQ
c) Windows Live Messenger
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: BlackBerry has an IM service called BlackBerry Messenger.
17. __________ Mobile Data-Service Connection Service can connect to mobile BlackBerry devices through a TCP/IP connection.

a) BIS
b) BIM
c) MIS
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: BIS stands for BlackBerry Internet Service.
18. Which of the following Symbian microkernel architecture is designed to work with a single processor ?

a) EKA2
b) EKA1
c) EKA3
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Unlike other OSs, Symbian includes device drivers in the kernel itself.
19. The Windows CE ___ kernel is a suite of Microsoft applications optimized for a smaller display size and using the Windows API.

a) 4.2
b) 5.2
c) 6.2
d) MobileMe Gallery
Answer: b

Explanation: Microsoft has worked hard to make Windows Mobile devices a natural extension for Windows developers upon which to position their products.
20. Which of the following platform features are used in Windows 7 by Microsoft ?

a) Zune HD
b) iTune HD
c) HD Insight
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a

Explanation: Applications for the Windows Phone 7 are based on the .NET Compact Framework 4, XNA, and Silverlight Applications.


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