Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on WWW for Freshers

1. The web works on this model.

a) Intranet
b) Internet
c) Client-Server
d) Server
Answer: c

Explanation: Web works on the client server model. Client and server operate on machines which are able to communicate through a network.
2. In the Client-server model, the client receives a request from the server.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b

Explanation: The statement is false. The server receives a request from the client. It then performs the requested work.
3. Which of the following is not a type of server?

a) File
b) Web
c) Name
d) Browsers
Answer: d

Explanation: Browser is the answer. Browser is a type of client and it is not a server. File, web and name are the types of servers.
4. This determines the type of protocol to be used.

Answer: a

Explanation: The answer is . In general, http is used. Others like file and ftp can also be used.
5. The location of file is determined by ________

Answer: b

Explanation: tells the server where to find the file name. It is an important part of the URL format.
6. Apache is a type of ________

a) Transmission control program
b) Web Server
c) Web Browser
Answer: b

Explanation: Apache is a type of web server. It is an application which waits for client requests, fetches requested documents from disk and transmits them to the client.
7. A small data file in the browser.

a) Cookie
b) Web Server
c) FTP
d) Database
Answer: a

Explanation: Cookie is a small data file in the browser. Most browsers nowadays allow the user to decide if they want the cookies or not.
8. Any computer that can access the server is called?

a) Web Server
b) Web Browser
c) User
d) Web Client
Answer: d

Explanation: Any computer that has access to the web server is called the web client. Web server is any computer that uses the HTTP protocol.
9. Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.

a) Software
b) Web Servers
c) Web Browsers
d) WWW
Answer: c

Explanation: Web Browsers help the user to maintain a personal favorite list of URLs. Also, allows the user to download information on various formats.
10. SGML stands for?

a) Standard Granted Markup Language
b) System Generalized Markup Language
c) Standard Generalized Markup Language
d) System Granted Markup Language
Answer: c

Explanation: HTML(Hypertext Markup language) is based on SGML. SGML stands for Standard Generalized Markup Language.


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